
Proposed Vaping Tax?

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Dragon Vape @Dragon_Vape · Apr 28, 2022


With last year's nicotine and bottle caps, it is a very unprecedented time for vaping. As topics such as flavour bans loom over the heads of vapers, a new concerning issue is on the rise. The Government of Canada’s most recent budget reveal showed the Governments' goal of adding a tax to vaping products, specifically E-liquid and products containing it.

The budget document notes that, in addition to raising revenues, the duty could become an “effective means to help curtail “harmful” consumption of these products.” While a taxing vape product is semi-understandable, as tobacco & alcohol do face tax duties, compared to the two, the rates of these taxes are simply unjustifiable. The proposed tax would subject vapers to a $1 surcharge for every 2mL in products that contain 10mL or less. And for products with 10mL or more, you’re looking at $5 for the first 10 mL and $1 for every additional 10mL. To put this into perspective, one of our 30mL bottles of Lift Salts would be hit with a $7 tax. A 120mL bottle of Dragon Slayer would be hit with a $16 tax. With pods, it gets even crazier. Pod packs, such as STLTH or Vuse, will see each individual pod facing a tax. On top of this, travelling with vape devices & juices will surely get more difficult. Canadians travelling internationally for more than 48 hours, will only be allowed to bring a maximum of 120ml back into the country without paying a duty. That's the equivalent of one big Dragon Slayer bottle. In a world where the price of everything is going up every day, this is an unfortunate thing to hear. This will also create a huge incentive for disposable vapes as well because they will face lower taxing. Devices that aren’t reusable & only available in high concentrations of nicotine. All this being said, it is still only a proposed bill and hasn’t been approved quite yet. If it does get approved, however, the target date is October 1st of this year. Stores will have until January 1st 2023 to distribute unstamped products. The one positive thing however is that if this does end up going through, all of our flavours will likely avoid a flavour ban. The tax will be voted on by Parliament’s House of Commons, which is expected to take place either at the end of April or the beginning of May.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is banking on an agreement with the New Democratic Party (NDP) to supply enough votes to pass the budget because the Liberal Party lacks a legislative majority. For now, we will simply just have to wait for more information to unroll on this potential taxing. We will be sure to link any petitions or ways that you can continue to help be the voice of change in these tough times for vapers. In the meantime, be sure to keep checking our website, www.dragonvape.ca for all the updates you’ll need on the potential upcoming vaping tax.