Based on application learning methods Orchids International school makes sure that the basic concept of students is clear and strong in every subject. Orchids International school believes that these are the building and constructive years of every kid and these are the initial area parents should put extra effort in.
Orchids International School is one of the best CBSE schools in India but also has a vivid vision for preprimary and primary schools in India. They believe that the things and manners taught at this age settle for a lifetime in the minds of the kids and thus pivotal importance is given to these years by Orchids International School.
Orchids International School has even designed their primary class textbooks with illustrative content to make it fun for the kids to not only learn but enjoy the learning process.
Orchids International as one of the best international schools in Bangalore believe to have the best curriculum designed even for the primary school kids and as the kids start their educational journey from nursery to advanced and important grades like class X, they carve a different person out of them.
Keeping that in mind they have constructed an EYP program also known as the Early Year Program specially designed keeping in mind the students and kids of nursery and primary schools.
Orchids International keeps high maintenance for its security and safety issues by appropriately guarding the school campus and monitoring different areas with CCTV facilities. The students not only grow academically but also learn arts and other vocational skills as Orchids has different sections dedicated to them all.
Orchids international primary schools are one of the best international CBSE schools in India.