
Moss Walls - Things You Should Know

Earlier, many people viewed moss as an ugly fungus that grows in some of the oldest, wettest cracks and small places on the ground. However, while those points aren’t entirely false, the modern world utilizes them as an attractive design element for building interiors.

Moss walls are trendy additions for greenery in interior design for aesthetics and wellness benefits. A polar moss wall provides all the beautiful benefits of time in nature, a beautiful home accent, and needs little to no upkeep.

Some Facts About Moss Walls

Moss walls are decorative wall features comprising natural moss adhered to a wall. The majority of the installations are designed using natural moss that undergoes a preservation process. This is considered a critically important process as it extends the life of moss walls and limits maintenance needs. Additionally, this preserved moss provides infinite design options since the moss can be cut and dyed to fit the piece.

The best thing about moss walls is that they carry the power to transform dark lifeless yards and concrete walkways into elegant green spaces. Interior Plantscaping is one new trend where they have recently gained steam.

Average Cost Of A Moss Wall

Depending on the quality of construction and the planning costs, a moss wall costs $100-200 per square foot on average. Additionally, the type of frame used affects the costing algorithm. Frames are often made of metal or wood and can be coated or painted. As these prices differ, you need to strike a balance between expensive plants and their maintenance.

The Advantages Offered

- Creates An Indoor Connection

Implementing such types of natural elements in building interiors helps in creating a connection to nature. The trend of incorporating Biophilic additions has helped bring moss walls into the spotlight. Using moss walls is now a trendy idea in the minds of designers to help promote a sense of serenity to the overall structural integration.

- Cognition And Productivity

Experts have also discovered that plants have a quantifiable positive impact on cognition and productivity. When you see greenery around you, your mind automatically releases happy hormones that make you feel calm and reasonable.

- Absorb Sounds

When installed strategically, a moss wall is known to dampen sound and help reducing noise pollution. Dense and spongy reindeer moss can decrease ambient sound by about 5 decibels. They are particularly effective at dampening medium to high-frequency sounds, making them highly beneficial for homes built close together in cities and suburbs.


Moss walls are incredibly safe for indoor installation because they are entirely different from other indoor plants. Moss plants remain bug-free because of no u=soil usage. Therefore, it is an ultimate addition to a building’s interior because of so many benefits involved.