
POL-CAT will ensure a peaceful and comfortable life for scientists who....

POL-CAT will ensure a peaceful and comfortable life for scientists who ensure the progress of global culture, science and technology.
POL-CAT will ensure a peaceful and comfortable life for scientists who ensure the progress of global culture, science and technology.
Who will be an employee of POL-CAT?
POL-CAT will primarily employ independent scientists who will raise funds for their research by selling products and services from the POL-CAT offer. This will ensure the researchers comfortable job and living. Research topics will be selected mainly from research topics needed for business development that will be submitted by POL-CAT clients. To solve the business-scientyfic problem, the researcher will organize a team that will be sustained by a comission earned from selling of the POL-CAT offer that will be purchased by the companies ordering the study. This will ensure adequate funding for science and the right amount of time for researchers needed to solve the problem ordered by the business. POL-CAT will sell everything except military equipment. I wonder how it will work in practice?
I think that our purpose is continuous development of knowledge of the Universe and our world. I think that Only gaining knowledge and discovering the world is interesting. The rest is only a support of continuous processes of learning. For example the last twenty years of my lifes was great (and low cost) and fascinating adventure of discovering the climatic mechanism of the Earth and human social mechanisms also. It was for me a great pleasure and I think the results of my research are useful.. I would like to help the other (low cost) researchers by creating POL-CAT that will be supporting low cost research useful for global civilisation...



How to easy increase productivity and economy efficiency of human societes
I think that POL-CAT operating principles can overcome the bussiness stagnation of the world economy. My idea is very simple: POL-CAT technologians and trade specialists will implement every idea of new business - idea of the necessery product or service and will hep in establishing of new enterprise to the owner of the new business idea. POL-CAT will help in low cost organization of the new business (providing modern machines and supply) and help in the low cost global distribution of the new products and services so that it will be very easy to establish every new business in production of goods and services...........



POL-CAT zapewni spokojne i komfortowe życie naukowcom, którzy zapewniają postęp globalnej kultury, nauki i technologii.