
Planning for pregnancy: Why tracking of menstrual symptoms is important?

In an ovulating healthy woman, a normal menstrual cycle typically lasts for a minimum of 2 to maximum 8 days, occurring every 21- to 35 days, with moderate flow associated with or without mild to moderate pain... In a woman menstruating cyclically at regular intervals ovulation normally occurs 14 days prior to the next menstrual cycle. A woman can plan her pregnancy by keeping a track of menstrual cycle and planning intercourse during the fertile window of 6 days that is 5 days prior to the tentative date of ovulation along with the day of ovulation.


The process of cyclic uterine bleeding involves a delicate interplay between female hormones secreted from the brain and ovary and the responsive and patent, normal anatomical female reproductive tract. Any deviation or disturbance in any of the above may result in the disturbed menstrual cycle, disturbed ovulation and reduced ability to conceive


5 menstrual symptoms suggesting possible pathological reasons for lowered fertility

Short cycles: Also called Polymenorrhoea, Menstruation occurring frequently earlier than 21 days period suggest a short cycle. Possible reasons could be hormonal disturbances like thyroid, ovarian cysts, falling ovarian reserve in early stages


Delayed cycles: Also called Oligomenorrhoea, Menstruation occurring later than 35 days suggest delayed cycle. The possible reason could be Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, prolactin disorders, falling ovarian reserve in late stages.


Amenorrhoea: the absence of periods greater than 6 months. Possible reasons could be depletion of ovarian reserve, thyroid and prolactin disorders, severe cases of PCOS, injury to the uterine lining, extreme stress, anxiety, prolonged dieting.


Menorrhagia: Heavy menstrual bleeding, previously known as menorrhagia, is a menstrual period with excessively heavy flow. Heavy periods in terms of flow or for a prolonged duration of more than 8 days. Hormonal disturbances like thyroid, PCOS, fibroid, Adenomyosis, Pelvic inflammatory disease can result in menorrhagia. If menorrhagia is associated with dysmenorrhoea it suggests the possibility of fibroid, adenomyosis, endometriosis, and PID which may also affect tubal patency and tubo-ovarian relationship.


Scanty Menses: Hypomenorrhoea, scanty menses for lesser than 2 days. Suggests injury to uterus lining, hormone disturbances, poor nutrition, falling or lowered ovarian reserve.


Women suffering from the above-mentioned conditions need to see their gynecologist for the diagnosis and management of the conditions. As with timely and appropriate treatment, many conditions are curable and the course of many diseases can be halted at early stages before they do irreversible damage to the reproductive system and along with its fertility of women.