
PHP Tutorial: Features of the PHP

With the help of PHP Tutorial, learners get an opportunity to get deep knowledge about the concept of PHP scripting language. You can learn about the PHP introduction, control statements, string, regular expression, and so on. 


What is PHP? 


The term PHP is defined as the open-source, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language. It is an accurate, scripting language for web development. Moving to its history, it was established by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. 


However, it was launched in the market in the year 1995. At present, the latest version of this scripting language is PHP 7.4.0. In addition to it, this scripting language is associated with various features. From the PHP Tutorial for beginners, you will grab the knowledge about its features.


Features of PHP:


The main reason for the popularity of PHP is that it is a simple and open source. It is a blend of numerous features. When you learn more about the PHP introduction, then you will come across its different features. Here is the list of some features.


  • Performance- When it comes to performance, it is much faster than the other languages.
  • Open-source- The source code of PHP and software are available free on the web. You do not need to pay for developing the versions of PHP.
  • Embedded- The codes of PHP are easily embedded. 
  • Database support- PHP offers support to numerous prominent databases. These databases include MySQL, SQLite, and so on.

List of characteristics of PHP:


From the PHP tutorial, you will come to know about its five essential characteristics. Here is the list of some characteristics of PHP which make it unique. 


  • Simplicity 
  • Security 
  • Efficiency
  • Flexibility 
  • Familiarity 

In the end, for learning more about the PHP Tutorial for beginners, a learner must have basic knowledge about computer programming, the internet, and so on. 


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