
How to Cope With Seasonal Changes Impacting Your Pet’s Health

Pet owners typically do everything needful to keep their animal companions in top shape. However, it is not just enough to get your cats or dogs vaccinated or offer them adequate food. You also need to think about the impact of seasonal changes on their health. Unlike humans, they cannot communicate about seasonal change-related hassles in languages. You will have to be watchful and check out for the impact of weather changes on the pet’s health. Seasonal changes can affect almost all types of pets, including birds, cats, dogs and other mammals.


Understanding the impact of weather change on your pets

Changes in the climate can affect your beloved pet in several ways, and there are several variables at work here. A lot depends on the overall climate of the region you live in and the type and health of the pet you have. In fact, these 2 factors have to be taken into account when you buy a puppy or kitten. Long-haired pets cope poorly with hot and humid weather, while short-haired ones do better. The reverse is true for those living in cold climate regions.



How do the changes in weather leave an impact on your pets?

  • Change in appetite- In the months of winter and autumn, you may find your pets getting hungrier than usual. Not to worry, as they do it from a genetic instinct. They feel like storing more fat in the body for the cold months ahead.
  • Mood swings- The winter months may seem dull and depressing for you. The same is true for your cats and dogs. Animals, too, show signs of depression. They may get lethargic or show aggression from time to time. So, pets may also shed more fur than usual in these months.
  • Change in fur- As the colder months of winter come nearer, your Furry pets grow thicker coats, and it is quite natural. However, they may also develop dandruff and itching.
  • Skin ailments- On hot and humid days, and also in monsoon times, furry pets may get affected by skin infections. These may be caused by ticks and other insects. You may find your dog or pet puppy scratching its body much more than usual.

How to help your pets cope with seasonal changes better?

While you cannot stop the impact of seasonal changes on your avian or canine companions, you can surely adopt some measures to help them sail through those times.


  1. Using apt skincare products- To help your cat and dog cope with skin infections and itchiness that grows in monsoon and humid summer months, buy suitable soap and skin lotions. Talk to your vet regarding the most suitable product for the breed you have.
  2. Using supplements- Nowadays, you can get pet-specific supplements made by various brands. You can also find hemp-based natural supplements aimed at cats and dog breeds. Of course, you should talk with a vet before buying such supplements for your pet. These supplements help the pets feel more energetic and enable them to cope with joint pain issues during cold days of winter.
  3. Reduce exposure to weather elements- During the summer and winter months, ensure your beloved pets are not exposed to harsh weather elements for a long time. Do not keep your dog out in the scorching sun. If you keep your cat or dog on a balcony, ensure the area does not get wet during the monsoon months or lashed by chilling winds during the wintertime.
  4. Grooming- Grooming your furry pets will help them cope with seasonal changes better. If you have a Persian coat or a furry dog breed like a golden retriever, ensure their fur is brushed and trimmed at regular intervals. This will reduce the risk of dirt and dust gathering on skin and fur. They will look great when you do the required grooming, for sure. Giving your long-haired dog baths during the summer days will help the animal stay cool as well.
  5. Sunlight- On cold and depressing winter days, you may find the dog or cat sulking in the corner of the room. To make them playful and energetic, let sunlight seep into the room. If the rooms do not get natural light by default, consider taking the pets to the balcony or terrace for some time, every day. You may also put the pet’s bed close to a big window to make him/her cheerful.
  6. Indoor games- If you cannot take the dog outside for walks owing to incessant rain or snowfall, try to engage the animal by playing inside the house. You can use balls or artificial rubber bones. There are so many pet toys you can use as well. This will give your dog the workout he/she needs.

    Before you buy a dog online or bring home any pet, consider the weather condition in your region. This will help in picking the apt breed for your needs and condition.