Hajis are one of the branches of worship in Islam, It refers to the annual pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
( Hajj and umrah ) that is performed every year in the month of dhul hijjah of the Islamic calendar.
The journey to hajj is very difficult mentally and physically.
Through this journey to mecca, Allah Subhan awa tala ( peace be upon him ) wishes to purify us from all our sins and bad thoughts.
Participation in hajj pilgrimage is wajib on every Muslim once in their lifetime as long as he or she fulfils the following conditions.
1.There must be at the age of Islamic maturity.
2.There must have sanity.
3.They must have the capability.
The conditions of capability are wealth, health and transport.
As for wealth, the person should be able to afford the hajj financially.
A person planning to go for a hajj should also consider if he has enough money to meet his own and his family's expenses after the performance of hajj and returning home from mecca.
As for health, if a person is unable to travel due to ill health or outage or extreme difficulty it is not obligatory on them to set out for pilgrimage personally.
However, they should appoint someone to perform it for them.
As for transport, Hajj becomes wajib only if the way to mecca is safe and one has the necessary means of transport to make the
They also should be no dangers along the way for instance the enemy before a person goes for hajj.
They should ensure that they have no debts to pay.
If they owe money to anyone they should pay it back first or ask their permission to pay later, ensure the money for hajj is claimed.
This is by ensuring their khums and zakah has been paid.
Prepare a will specifying if you own any other prayer or fasting money and etc.
The annual hajj that most people non-residents of mecca perform is
actually made up of two parts.
Types of Umrah
umrah al tamattu and hajj al tamattu.
Hajj starts at one of the possible places away from mecca known as the miqat.
For example one of them is known as masjid azshara ( mosque).
IHRAM : A pilgrim puts on a special dress called an ihram and they make their niyyah or intention for hajj and recite the Talbiyah.
The ihram for men is usually two pieces of unstitched clothes like for example two cloth pieces one is for covering from the waist down called izar and the other piece is for the upper body is called Rida.
Men cannot cover the head or the instep of their fate.
for women, the ihram is a simple long dress with a hijab. it is recommended for the ihram to be white.
Recitation during umrah
As for the Talbiyah, it is recited as follows: Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk la sharika Laka Labbayk and it is highly recommended to say innal hamda one namitha laka wal mulk la sharika lak.
It is wajib to recite the Talbiyah at least once at the miqat when
putting on the ihram and making the niyyah.
From the miqat, pilgrims head to Mecca and upon arrival, they perform umrah.
There are four steps ( rites) of umrah. The wajib acts ( Rituals) at Umrah al tamattu are as Follows:
1. Ihram
To be in ihram till the umrah is over.
when wearing the ihram at the miqat , the niyyah should be made as follows:
I am becoming a muhrim for umrah al tamattu for hijjat ul
islam wajib qurbatan illa llah.
Whereafter, the Talbiyah must be recited immediately.
As soon as Talbiyah has been recited a person is now called a muhrim until the umrah is over
and this means certain actions are haram on him or her.
Things forbidden in ihram;
- Shaving hair
- Applying perfume
- Having intercourse
- Hunting
- Getting married,etc
2. Tawaf:
To go around the Kaaba seven times starting and ending at the corner where the black stone is lodged in the Kaaba near the door of the Kaaba the left shoulder must always be facing the Kaaba as you walk around it.
your intention is I am performing tawaf around the Kaaba seven
times for a umrah al tamattu for hijjat al islam wajib qurbatan illa llah
Salah al-Ihram
2 rakah salat after tawaaf near the maqam ibrahim your intention is i'm performing two rakah salat of tawaf for umrah al tamattu for hijjat al
islam wajib qurbatan illa llah
3 .Sayee :
For sayee, walk at least seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa.
Start at safa when you reach Marwa that is counted as a one-trip get back to the safa that is your second trip ,seventh trip ends at Marwa.
Your intention is I'm performing sayee between safa and marwah seven times for umrah at tamattu,for hijjat al islam, wajin qurbatan illalah
4 .Taqsir :
To clip some hair from the head after the Sayee.
Your intention is I am performing Taqsir to make halal for me everything that was Haram in the ihram for umrah al tamattu For hijjat al islam ,wajib qurbatan ilallah .
Thereafter a person can remove their ihram and wear normal
clothes they would continue to stay in Mecca and wait for the Hajj al tamattu to begin the parts of Hajj at tamattu.
There are some conditions for tawaf for itself around the Kaaba to be valid the following conditions must be met:
1.The person doing the Tawaf must be able to or have done a wudhu/ghusl.
2.The body and the clothes of the person must be tied and
not torn.
- The ihram must not be bought with haram money or stolen
any served without permission.
Congratulations on your Umrah!
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