-----Ante Pavelić:----
Brothers Ustaša-s, I wanted that at this time (hour), we look us eyes in eyes.
I wanted that we talk from heart to heart,
that told each other with language that, in first row, you understand, brothers Ustaša-s, all of you,
and which language understand whole Croatian nation.
-----People down:-----
That's right! That's right! >applausing<
-----Ante Pavelić:-----
There are possible ones, thanks God; a little, that don't know that this resurrection(Easter of Croatian nation); wasnt come over night.
That were a big number of decade, maybe a century, that were preparation for Croatian national and country resurrection!
Through centuryes(ages), in a time of slavery, in a time of truncated(truncated) freedom, Croatian nation were gave, from it's middle(ambience of Nation); sons; that were forerunner; that were even their whole lives; worked and fought, for that we now have.
In last 20 years,
Croatian nation was gived form himself: fighters,
gived form himself: fighters,
which are prepared the last paths - which are maked the last spells(events) - the last deeds, for complete liberation of Croatian people.
-----Man from the window:-----
Those discouraged people said we were crazy.
Than they said that we are fanatics.
Then they said the we are mercenaries form a other people (other nations)!
Brothers Ustaša-, today they are lunatics, today they are discouraged, TODAY THEY ARE QUISLING MECENARIES, but we are
-----People down:-----
That's righttttttttt! >applausing<
-----Map of old croatian borders showing:-----
Liberation of the Croatian people; and the establishment of the Independent Country Croatia; they established - two big nations, the country of Axis, under their big leaders!
------People down:-----
That's righttt! That's rightttt! That's righttt! That's righttt!
<applausing and shout "Hit**r, Hit**r, Hit**r, Hit**r !">
-----Again map of old croatian borders:-----
Therefore, we are grateful to them!
Therefore, the Croatian nation will be only grateful to them! (means on Axis)
-----People down:-----
That's right! That's right! That's right! >applausing<
-----Again map of old croatian borders:-----
Today, the Croatian nation will be a global nation!
Today, the Croatian country will be full equal with all free and independent countryes!
-----People down:-----
That's righttt! >applausing<
-----Camera on Ante Pavelić again:-----
We are, it this; contributed and some the victim (sacrifice)...
When, we are maked contract with borders, then we arent maked settlements and agreements.
Settlements and agreements are maked politicans that were not representatives of Croatian nation and independent country.
We are as representatives of a free and sovereign people; and representitaves of "Nezavisna Država Hrvatska" maked international agreements!
-----People down:-----
That's rightttt! >applausing<
-----Ante Pavelić:----
I can told you, that soon will be and others borders be resolved.
And placed, to the great satisfaction of the whole Croatian nation!
-----People down:-----
Poglavnik! , Poglavnik!, Poglavnik! (chief, president, titul for Ante Pavelić)
-----Ante Pavelić:----
Croatian Inndependet Country, already today; IS BIGGER THAT WAS EVER IN HISTORY WAS BE!
-----People down:-----
That's true! >applausing<
----- Relief of Croatian King Petar Krešimir IV. - Ante Pavelić talks -----
I am today setup, krown of Zvonimir (king, son of man form relief in video),
Zvonimir's krown, for all centuryes, is the biggest guarantor(confirmation) sovereignty of leaders(commanders) of Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, today our full national and country independence.
I am offered that accost it, governur Savoia...
-----People down:-----
>Express dissatisfaction with the previous sentence of Ante Pavelić<
-----Ante Pavelić-----
...because, I knowt that he is the most deserving.
-----Anthem of NDH and todays Croatian anthem - Lijepa naša domovino-----