
Benefits of Using Pantyliners on a Daily Basis.


Advantages of using pantyliners is that the liners are able to absorb the discharge/menstrual spotting and leaves the females feeling fresh and clean for a long period of time.


Pantyliners are meant to be worn on the gusset which is the centre part protecting the vagina. These are thin liners meant to be worn during non-period days which come with an adhesive on the back and provide protection from leakage (vaginal discharge). The pantyliners protect the underwear from getting ruined and keep the vaginal area free from moist. The thin liners are not meant to be used during menstruation as they are not meant for the absorption of menstrual flow. Below we have explained the benefits of wearing these thin panty shields and how to wear them on a daily basis:


  • Maintaining Intimate Hygiene

Pantyliners can be used to maintain internal hygiene during the times when you are out for a workout and experiencing vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharges can make one feel damp down there because of which it becomes extremely important to wear pantyliners. The liners end up giving a fresh feeling throughout the day. Females should remember to change it after every 3-5 hours for ensured hygiene.


  • Absorbing menstrual spotting

All of us experience menstrual spotting before the periods are about to start.  Pantyliners are meant to be used for the absorption of brown/pink spots which are discharged before the starts of periods or after the periods have ended. The liners will be useful in absorbing the blood spots and prevent the soiling of underwear.


  • Skip the accumulation of sweat

While we are walking/jogging in the heat, there are chances of the accumulation of sweat around the vagina which can lead to a damp feeling down there. To avoid the unpleasant feeling between your legs, wearing vaginal covers is suggested. It is capable of absorbing the wetness and prevents the formation of bacteria during hot and humid days.


  • Preventing odour

Panty Shields are helpful in preventing the formation of odour down there. The liners are able to absorb the vaginal discharge that comes out and prevents the occurrence of a damp feeling. With the help of liners, the sticky feeling which comes because of pantyliners is prevented.


  • Protect clothes from soiling

During vaginal discharge, there are chances of the panty getting soiled and sticky. To protect the panty from getting soiled, it is suggested to wear these thin liners. The liners are able to absorb the discharge and keep the underwear clean and odour free.


  • Gives Freshness Feeling

Pantyliners can be helpful in giving a fresh feeling throughout the day since the innerwear stays dry throughout the day. The feelings of dampness, stickiness and odour are prevented and girls can complete their work while in the office or go shopping without feeling unclean.


Wearing an underwear liner is similar to wearing a sanitary napkin; the only difference is that it takes less space as compared to a normal pad and covers the gusset. Girls should remember to change their daily liners after every five hours to avoid infections and to feel clean down there.


There are sanitary pads brands emerging which also sell pantyliners of high quality. These brands are also selling menstrual tampons for girls and ladies to get the no-period feeling. Certain brands are also selling the cool sanitary pads for using in summers which prevents the irritation feeling due to sweat and heat.