The day finally came when you decided it’s time to try and live abroad. Whether you’re relocating for work or deciding to try something new on your own, the prospect is as exciting as it is nerve-racking. As you begin to prepare for your overseas relocation, you may realize it’s not as easy as it sounds.
The right overseas movers will help make the process as smooth as possible, walking with you every step of the way. These tips for preparing for an overseas relocation will work as your guide.
Save as Much as You Can
Moving out of the country is an expensive process from start to finish. Some of these costs include, but are not limited to, applications for visas if necessary, travel expenses, international shipments, housing, and an emergency fund.
An old adage says everyone should have at least six months’ worth of savings on hand. This is all the more true when you move overseas since you do not know what you might run across. Complete some research on the exchange rate and costs of living, so you know what you’re up against before you relocate.
Renew or Apply for Passport
One of the most important pieces of overseas moving is the possession of a passport. Without this vital piece of documentation, you cannot leave this country. Since the processing times often fluctuate, apply for it as soon as you know you’ll be moving, even if it’s still a couple of months to go.
Apply for Visa
Start the process by checking the country’s government website, which will provide you with all the information you need about visas and whether you need one. Each country has its own regulations and application process, which means you’ll need to get a head start, so you don’t find yourself without the necessary documentation to enter the country on the day of your move.
Research Moving Companies
Once you know when you’re moving, it’s time to find the right overseas movers to help with the process. A reputable mover will know the exact steps you’ll need to take to make the move successful, which means you can ask as many questions as come to mind. Find out each company’s specific procedures as international movers and if any of the steps fall on you to complete.
Contact Your Bank
Keeping your current bank account is as important as opening a new one at your destination. By leaving your bank account in the U.S. Open, it’ll help you keep up with your credit score, should you choose to move back, and help pay down any outstanding loans. Remember to let them know the dates of travel so they don’t flag your account with fraudulent use.
Once you get to your new location, find out what documentation you’ll need to open a new account, either savings or checking, or both. If you’re worried about additional fees, set up a foreign credit card ahead of time, so your bank doesn’t charge you extra.