
my rentry page (temp)

OPM-TECH's Front-End Web Dev/Clandestine Chemical Analysis Blog. LFG like minded people to learn and grow with in the Tech & Chem community.
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OPM-TECH @OPM_TECH · Oct 21, 2022

Temporary rentry.co page

⚠️⬇️rentry.co page here⬇️⚠️

OPM-TECH's rentry

The Page is simply images of icons that i may use, and that i need to resize. Its really just for personal reference, but i figure, meh, what the hell.... i'll save it here so ill remember where it is, and so ill remember to keep up with posting here! 


Also, i will be updating that rentry page with other things as well. mostly links to other pages/projects/and maybe something nice for all you Researchers/Chemists (clandestine chemists*)


There will be more as well on my bearblog, here's the link: My BearBlog  !

It will eventually take off as well as this one eventually will. But for now i am busy and trying to decide on what exactly i want to go to school for (and where and how lol) while i work a full time job. Im gonna go to school for Front-End Web Development first off, But i dont know when ill go Full stack, and if i will go with HTML/CSS Java/React.js or Angular.js ..... ORRR HTML/CSS Ruby on Rails...... So ill probably start one of them on the odin project soon... Wish me luck and please message me with any assistance possible!! My email is below. 

   I am looking for small(ish) or decently sized communities that have people all interested in tech/WebDev/SoftwareDev-Programming. I would love to find some folks that are intermediate coders like myself, that would like to jump in and learn together as well as those more advanced to give us advice. But i doubt anyone will even see this, much less want to socialize with an actual human online... (scary i know lol) all jokes aside, i hope to hear from some people and start learning. Either way, i wish you all well and thank you for reading!!



                              Stay Tuned For More Entries/Updates!!                                         




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