
The Top 5 Tips for Writing Great Short Stories Online

Great short stories have the power to captivate readers and take them on a journey that leaves a lasting impression. They evoke various emotions, from joy and hope to sadness and despair. People generally think that writing a short story takes less effort because it contains fewer words. However, if you don't have an idea, it can be difficult to sit in front of a system or sheet and force yourself to write a story. Here are five tips you can follow for online short story writing.




Focus on the action


The story is not just an anecdote, since it tells a story, but the narrative must be more condensed than in the novel and focus on what happens, without time or space for other dissertations.


The tale has no room for lengthy descriptions or moral or psychological ramblings. It does not mean the story has to be simple and lacks these elements. They can be, but in the form of a subtext, hidden between the lines, or said directly with the right words. It's all about space!


You don't want to cover everything


Sometimes we want to tell ambitious stories with no place in a short story. Remember that the story, in general, must occur quickly, with few main characters and a main location. If you fail to adapt your story to these premises, you may be facing a short novel and not a short story.


Find an idea and simplify it

Any idea can always be simplified; you have to give it a spin. Can a story like this be told in just 750 words? Yes, but only if we simplify it. To do this, let's look for the moment with the greatest force, the moment of impact in history, so we know where to focus. We find the high point when he realizes he is wrong, so we should tell the story when he has already lost everything.


Remember, when you have your idea, simplify it: look for the impact.


 Don't tell it; show it


It must be the most insistent advice in any writing book or article. But it is essential, and often we forget, especially when writing stories.


A short story is not a summary of a story but a story itself. 

To tell the story, we must focus on the moment and the action: Let's show what happens, give images, and teach the story through action.


Do not give everything; suggest it


In the story, what is said is as important as what is kept silent. As we said before, there is no room for dissertations, so forget about explaining that the beggar feels bad about his situation or that he regrets losing his family. That must be implicit in the action and let the reader figure it out.





If you are writing your first story, you don't have to worry about the results but rather the process. Your first version of a short story will become an outline of the final results. Remember to constantly polish it, which will give a good structure to your writing.


Frequently asked questions for online short story writing:


What is online short story writing?


Answer: Online short story writing refers to the process of creating and sharing short stories on the internet through various online platforms and tools.


Do I need any prior writing experience to participate in online short story writing?


Answer: No, you do not need any prior writing experience to participate in online short story writing. It is open to anyone who is interested in exploring their creativity through writing.


Start Crafting Your Story Today with Our Online Short Story Writing Tool