


@TruthseekerABC232323232323232323232323 RE: your essay on the #olympicgames. please check out http://justpaste.it/olympicgames  ; http://checkthis.com/aurora  ]



Why "in the hell" do Synchromysticists ignore nu|chronology and worship the Olympic Games ?

August 4, 2012 /08/04/nu|4 012

A response to Sandra Barr and related.

The majority on this planet supports the lies, that there was allegedly ancient- and medieval times,
my book proves logically the opposite.


Also two of the biggest anxietyOPs are revealed:
There were no dinosaurs and the nuclear bomb including all follow up technologies [nuclear medicine, NUKETECH™ etc.] did not exist at all and is based on a fraud.
While the Olympic Games and the Opening Procedure might have embedded some so called occult symbolism and rituals; by refreshing this methology and ritual, it's also contrieving into the same lies, the book "Revealing Aurora"... tries to present and reveal.  Before my own analysis of the Olympic Games Ceremony, i wanna talk about something else.

Let's go with this first: Jesus was black

The opening song Jerusalem refreshes some whiteTrash myth, that he was allegedly around 2,000 years ago.

In my book this can't be true.

He must have been killed between the years 1677 - 1680, in case a real person.
Another thesis is that Jesus was killed within his first 16 days (or weeks or months),  after his first public appearance [between 1649'ish and **]


In case he was alive during 1677, he more logically must have interfered with the wars between Sweden and Denmark, Netherlands and France.

Maybe he also lived in Tobago (and never hung out in Nazareth at all),

which was attacked from *both Netherlands and France.
It was also time for him, to oppose the Roman Catholic Church, which hijacked Spirituality and Humanism [later called Mysticism and linked to some specific women ; see at http://experimentalfeminism.tumblr.com/ ] and manipulated together with Russia the artificial extension of centuries.


Also, Babylon didn't exist. The existence of this city was made up between the years 1811 - 1817/1827 by spooks on behalf of the British East India Company, which created sea business, to im- and export Spices and create Colonialism based on CEN-tury reports [century originally means 100 men]




mc nicomedy2010 - bi0nische mushroomKUNST [2012, nu|4 ]

from my book "Revealing Aurora...." -
why the binary system explains why all humans started in 16** :

"...1011 stands for 11 - (B)  [or i11B , "pro-mispellled" 1108/Bchrist ; was *that the first "ancient year"?]
1100 stands for 12 - (C) [or i12C , "pro-mispellled" 12**/christ ; was *that the invented 12th CEN|tury" for all kind of events grouped into this ?]

1101 stands for 13 - (D) [or i13D , "pro-mispellled" 1113/or 13** ; was *that the 13th CEN|tury"?]
1110 stands for 14 - (E) [or i14E , "pro-mispellled" 114*/or 14** ; was *that the 14th CEN|tury"?]
1111 stands for 15 - (F)  ; [or the "15th cen-tury"]
10000 stands for 16 - (10) ; ..."

Meanwhile in America, British Culture tried to coOpt the Irokese with the so called Covenant Chain.
Also Manhattan, originally occupied by Nieuw Amsterdam, was then british.

On 18 April 1667, apprx. 10 years before Jesus might have showed up, the British exchanged a small island called "Run" from the East Indian Archipelago against the much larger island of Manhattan, which until then had been in Dutch hands and officially had less than 1,000 inhabitants, a number which makes completely sense for the first humans.

Between 1677 and 1680, also so called "wonders" take place :

At the University of Padua, as described at my blog http://experimentalfeminism.tumblr.com, Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia receives the title of the world's first woman with a PhD, and this in philosophy. She also desired to get the same title in Theology, but the University of Padua, obviously in the hand of a metrosexual fraternity, blocked this argument with the notion, "that a woman had to be silent in church".
In France meanwhile Christiaan Huygens presents at the Académie française his wave theory of light which will be published years after Jesus' death -in 1690.
Also hidden from the public, a possible german fellow of Jesus, Ferdinand Verbiest [later called a "jesuit"], presents allegedly in China the first car in the world, driven by a steam boiler, self-propelled and steerable, but this presentation remains classified for decades to go.

Interestingly this was also around the same time, when Satanism became first popular.
In France, Catherine Monvoisin, was killed, officially accused of having been a witch, while also John Milton's work "Paradise lost" circulates around, which is focussing on the story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Finally back to the Olympic Games.
When the big bell sounded at the beginning, the audience should have noticed the words "London 201" on the bell, but it was a very shiny one.
Why didn't they export an older bell, if they're so obsessed with ancient [and medieval] times ?

In my chapter 64, "ring a bell", i lay out that the bell foundry business is just as old as 1649'ish,

therefore it actually started right from the start.
I mentioned Fonderia Rocco Cacciabaudo, Burgio/Italy ; Grassmayr Glockengießerei, Austria and Eifeler Glockengießerei, Germany as the very first business, while London started only as late as Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London. (*1670).
224 years later, in 1894, the first Olympic Games started.

From my book "Revealing Aurora...."
"...If churches are allegedly *that old, then also the profession of the bell founder must have been very old and consistent [incl. throughout so called "medieval times"], together with prostitution and the innkeeper.

However most *consistent bell foundry business is only documented *right after the mid-17th century, with the exception of some italian business, where one has to believe their own seals, "certificates"|Ur-Kunden [german transl.] and related documents...."

If it comes to ritual of spell crafting regarding bells, people ignore that history on that point only goes back into 1890, when the first "Berliner Telefonbuch" [telephone book] was used as the first spelling panel.
i.e. the name Maier turned mnemonistically into "Dreizehn, Eins, Neun, Fünf, Achtzehn".[alphanumerical appearance: 13,1,8,5,8 in german language]
All other historical references on "spell crafting" are nonsense.
"Reading" wasn't "Spelling" until 1890, Bells are not older than 1649'ish.

The alleged link between the Maypole dance and Babylon was made up in the year 1858, in a book  
by Alexander Hislop, a former member of the Free Church of Scotland, which broke from the Church of Scotland in 1843. The Church of Scotland must have been one of the earliest viking-churches, during the early years of humans, in the 1660's logically opposing the Roman Catholic Church, since also their majority have been Presbyterianists, which was incompatible with monarchy, constantly declaring "No bishop, no king".

The idea, to corrupt the 'spy'-icon 007 into the Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games, is to distract from the fact, that Sean Connery was Scottish and Ian Fleming's family wasn't just about spy novels.
They created in 1873 Robert Fleming & Co., which was a successful manufacturer of jute fabrics used for sandbags in the American Civil War. They also had strong links to WW2, with having associates and friends like Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., as the *real sponsors of the Holocaust.

The Olympic Ceremony continued with Top Hats. Nothing mystical about this. Both magicians and chimney sweepers used to wear it too.
Top Hats got created in 1780. If it comes to masons, people should read my Chapter 59.
It's very simple and proves the point, that both ancient and medieval times couldn't have taken place :
From my book "Revealing Aurora...." :
"...It took until 1727, when Prussia's King Friedrich Wilhelm I, signed a regulation, which included the requirements for chimneys, the establishment of sweeping districts, the assessment of the fireplace and rules for the chimney sweeper including the liability for damages..."

Of course Freemasons had to corrupt original masons, otherwise they would have made it clear at one point, why both medieval- and ancient times couldn't have existed.

From my book "Revealing Aurora...." :
"...If ancient Rome had allegedly already windows with glas [which according to "historians" officially replaced "polished metal"], where are all the burglar- and Insurance companies reports ? And if noone broke in, why did Windows "disappear again" during medieval times ?

Of course here's the reality : Insurance History officially didn't start until 1676 ( Hamburger Feuerkasse) and 1718 (Berliner Feuersozietät ). Window Putty isn't documented until 1700. The first "Reichsfachverband des Glaserhandwerks" (transl. : Reich Association of the glazier craft) was established in 1881 in Hamburg, Germany.

Before*^ the idea of "insurance" was allegedly organized by guilds (in Germany called "Zünften and Gilden"). The logic of this could be debated as well. This is what i call a "gapeee"..."

Next, Shakespeare.
Of course he didn't exist and based on some writers think tank.
It "was just some marketing stunt for the idea of theatre.
To tell and spread **pre-dated** history !". The joke, that actually Calliban was cited during the Olympic Ceremony, was to recreate the myth about Prospero Colonna, a ficticious church person, to mystify alleged medieval times and early tensions between EUROZONE members Spain, Italy and France.

Of course also King Nimrod is clearly and always was considered a ficticious and mythical person. Why worshipping *him throughout the olympic ceremony? Because he also symbolizes Aššur in Irak and again Babylon. Interestingly Hungarian mythology describes Nimrod as the father of both huns and hungarians, which could also describe the allmighty power of Russia - and *NOT the United States and EUROZONE.

The Towers of Babel is yet another nice myth. It's more logically a cover-up of the *real history of the so called Collosseum, which is the look-a-like for it and based on a fraud during the 1700s.

During the Renaissance (*of course the name of this period wasn't established until 1900s),
the so called Colosseum, created by ruling families of Rome and the popes, started as a quarry.




fahrendes volk auch quacksalber genannt ;

In the 18th Century it was declared holy by the Roman Catholic Church.
Ironically the Italian word for colosso "Colossus" didn't officially exist in both ancient- and medieval times and came from the Greek word Colossus (Colossus) usually refering to a particularly large figure / statue, generally a giant or a monster.
The word Colossi inspired also early computers that were built in England during the Second World War, oficially for deciphering secret messages of the German military, but more likely for a complete different purpose.

The Nuclear Bomb did not exist. Logically the Olympic Games had to recreate the most successful anxietyOP during their ceremony as well, by having some mushroom clouds passing by.
Naturally the Grim Reaper which is representing the death, has to follow on this procedure, to cover up these 55+ years of lies.
Also Disney-inventions like Cruella de Ville and Mary Poppins, more some satanical figure heads in the tradition of Biopharmacy stooges Lewis Carroll Dodgson, Aldous Huxley and related, came next.
The reference to "Dark Knight" as also 'seen' days earlier in the Colorado Shootings, *right before the Olympic Games, kills in "16 CENTURY".
The century-fakers have something right. There was nothing to kill before.
The first 1600 years in alleged human history did *not take place.

Hospital Beds at the Olympic Games ? Why do you think, Hospitals were *really invented?
Maybe do read my chapters about hotels and restaurants. The name of the hotel in my book is Aurora. From the fictional chapters:

"...How much do you know about the history of Hotels ?", she continued slowly.
"I didn't think much about it yet. I assume it's as fishy as the history of restaurants.".
"This is correct. The male thagasts haven't been that good with the cover-up. Some european thagasts tried to let it look older, but the british forgot to remove a note, that the first one was officially the Grand Hotel in England.
We also used hotels first to plant and promote books, one of them was the bible.

Another successful book in Europe which we later removed was from a russian author, which they later called Jack London..."

Danny Boyle- David Bowie, i can also respond with DEUTSCHE BAHN.
CenturyFakers like the letter combination db and they like the number 7.
The Olympic Games is a nice smoke screen, but there is not much more to read in it, as at any other major bullshit event.


And now to the significance of the so called prediction of my book, from which the Olympic [HomoErotic Metrosexual-  balls=] Games seem to distract and even made sure to delay the outcome of the Colorado-Shooting until November 30 ;


from "Revealing[^pre|dicting] Aurora" vs. "Occupy Beyoncé" - the 'Meta Sync' at http://checkthis.com/aurora :




"...7 months later, the follow-up Book is in its final stages, once again intensifying the original topic, this time "99 chapters" document inconsistencies in history or so called "Gapeees", to reassure the overwhelming evidence, that there couldn't have been *both ancient- and medieval times. 

This time, the narrative includes an older woman, who lives in the ficticious hotel "Aurora" in Chinatown "^^named larissa, alice, eliza or so., occasion|ally "meeting" with the author, when he learned that a swedish Toy Researcher and former 'Century-Fakery-Updater' called "Toyah" died in this hotel with a suspicious heart attack, which was supposed to create a cliff hanger. 

Though these details are part of a spoiler, it can be revealed, that this older lady, who glanced with an orange hat on, was apparently found in Room 699.

Each room at Hotel Aurora does actually resemble a year from the past, without the revealing letter "i" (also seen as "1"), which originally stood for the idea of "decimal" [russian], "six" [arab] or "year" [german, as in jahr]. The receptionist named Edgar, who has yellow hair, is briefed to only rent out the 900s rooms, if the Customers don't have some insider card, called varadigm.

While this is one of the last chapters written, the book is then getting technically approved and locked in a 24-hour procedure, when the author learned from the tragedy in Colorado, which happens to be in a city resembling the name of the hotel, where "just now someone died", who recently lived on an Island called Corocoro, in a room with the number 699 which mathematically creates the absurdity (or statistical effect) of each number adding up twice the account of people, who had been killed in Aurora: 24.


During the weekend of this tragedy, the author of "Occupy Beyoncé' decided finally to add Aurora into the title of his next book, while still being baffled about other oddities, whether reading too much into it or not.

While this orange hatted, swedish toy researcher called "Toyah" is found dead in Room 699 at "Hotel Aurora", which actually represents almost the end of a ^specific^ century, the shootings in the City Aurora take place in theater 9 at the Century 16 multiplex, where also a 6-year old girl gets killed.

At one point the yellow haired receptionist Edgar of Hotel Aurora disappears.
The official suspect in Aurora, Colorado is first described as having red hair, though at his first court appearance it suddenly turned into orange hair, which only makes sense, if you add yellow colorant into it.

Too much over-interpretation of random numbers and words?

http://justpaste.it/files/justpaste/20120723-104242-colorado01-300.jpg allegedholmes.jpg

...why is he looking so nice? gaytheon virus ?  ; mcnicomedy2010


How many notebook-sniffers are around these days? Do neuro tech killers recently get inspired by random information of keyword-worms and trojans ?

The swedish toy researcher at ficticious Hotel Aurora, who once worked for the original Century-Fakers, pointed out that there was a 1600 years missing toy Industry, which had to be fixed by the so called "thagasts". Historians state that until then young boys allegedly only played with dolls. The only logical conclusion of the author is, that these centuries did not exist and is adding more evidence into all this. (see http://tinyurl.com/revealingaurora


Actually it took even a few more decades, until Toy Industry was established. Among the names of early toy companies, which are mentioned in the book "Revealing *aurora*..." had been LEGO, Mattel and Meccano (model construction systems).

For the movie "The Dark Knight Rises", which was shown at the Century 16 multiplex, Mattel unveiled figures for Batman, Bane, and Catwoman, Lego is set to release building sets and mini-figures and Meccano are releasing the Batman Tumbler car with their brand Hornby Railways..."



Hornby is also  a sponsor of the Olympic Games.  Cute, isn't it?


Once the Olympic Games are over, humans should ask for the *real conclusion of the Color-ado Shootings.

If they're really interested. Otherwise the Ceremony in London wasn't that bad. Humans support big lies, why not making fun of it ?



--- Hotel Aurora, 16 Century, dies in Room 6-99, edgar yellow hair/orange hat, toys, exit ... ---

5:30 "..Denver 673 Code 6 Foot patrol? .. 14:30 Theater Cleared. We are going to the parking lot now..." (No dead bodies. It was in fact a Drill.)  vs. "... I asked Edgar if he has another favorite of the 600s, but he denied any answer. So i tried to remember one of german dude's favorite years right after 1649 and ended up with my wish for the room 673...when i opened the room, it actually smelt intensively like fresh chocolate, as if Hotel Aurora works with some significant artificial ceiling flavors...Since this room was empty as well, besides this extense smell of chocolate i started to read, but fell asleep after a while, unable to recall any dream or noise, i used to train to remember and write down immediately.
The last thing i recalled was that this room unusually was a little bit more dusty than the others, but maybe the room service was just overworked....
"  vs. smokescreen and follow-up distraction Olympic Games :

Colorado shooting: U.S. Olympics shooters compete with Aurora in mind ...USA Shooting is based in Colorado Springs, Colo., about an hour's drive from the site of the movie theater massacre.

Yes, that's very much on the mind of the American shooting team at the London Games. But what about "Revealing *aurora*..." ? Now up at Amazon/goodreads,com

The trial of the Colorado Shooter takes place in the City of Centennial [that means CENTURY], which was formed February 7, 2001. The next hearing is now postponed to Nov. 30. [tbnc]





see also

Revealed: Goldman Sachs’ mega-deal for Greece

http://www.risk.net/risk-magazine/feature/1498135/revealed-goldman-sachs-mega-deal-greece  [2003/2001]