
Intel Drop #16 - Whistle Blowers Update On Changes In CSRQ

"It's not as simple as the idea that some megalomaniacs want to control the world. It goes far beyond that. It's a spiritual war."

Intel Drop #16 - Whistle Blowers Update On Changes In CSRQ



August 28, 2022


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Here are excerpts from my conversations with Gideon over the past week. Thank you as always to Michael for helping edit these and cleaning them up:


Bill: You were telling me your guys are seeing some new things in CSRQ, can you get into that?


Gideon: "We are seeing some new things. For one, they're making more people Sovereign, it looks like the total number is nearing 10 Million."


Bill: Why do you think they're making more people Sovereign?


Gideon: "We thought this would happen. More are being brought in."


Bill: I guess 10 Million isn't a lot when it's spread around the world.


Gideon: "No, it's not. There's still millions upon millions of Common class people in positions of power, who still serve the cabal and who desperately want Sovereign status. There are then others who are carefully being introduced to it, and others who simply have no clue and will never be told of it."


Bill: So right now, the Commons who do know about it are working overtime to get Sovereign status? That means they are going to push every possible goal of the Great Reset.


Gideon: "They are motivated. Any time there is a lack of will to follow through, they dangle the Sovereign carrot, so to speak. Or they introduce to a Common the truth of what's coming, and tell them their options. I've heard stories of people rejecting it, but it's rare, as in, maybe two cases of it ever happening."


Bill: Who?


Gideon: "It was an alternative media person, not that well known. I forget his name, I'll have to look him up and get back to you."


Bill: Ok, thanks. Anyway, I kept wondering why all these companies are making bug food now, just out of the blue. It's probably Common class CEOs of these companies being told to, right?


Gideon: "Yes, they are taken aside and told what's coming, and told they'll get Sovereign status if they do well. But it's bad for their brand and business model to do it."


Bill: All kinds of companies have been doing ridiculous things in terms of business model and branding. I'm assuming they all know the end game is at hand?


Gideon: "Anyone who is paying attention knows the corporations are making really dumb decisions, decisions that make no sense. But if you put it in the context of a post-Reset world and CSRQ, then it begins to make sense."


Bill: Blackrock had some program, where they wouldn't invest in a company unless they followed these climate change and sustainability rules.


Gideon: "Yes, ESG, which was really a way of masking a company's preparation for a post-Reset world. It was a very important program. Once it was more widely exposed, they did some damage control, which I found silly. I know what it's really for."


Bill: Does everyone in these companies know what's going on?


Gideon: "No, not all. Usually just upper management, the board of directors, the CEOs."


Bill: What else are your guys seeing in CSRQ?


Gideon: "They're seeing more in-flows from crypto."


Bill: What changed?


Gideon: "Before, we were seeing a lot of bank wires, transfers of stock, bonds and precious metals ETFs into CSRQ. Now we're seeing less of that, and more crypto."


Bill: Why would they change this behaviour?


Gideon: "I was told that some non-Sovereigns on Wall St. were asking too many questions about these transfers. So they made an adjustment."


Bill: I'd think most of those guys on Wall St. are Sovereigns.


Gideon: "No, there's thousands in varying positions who are not, whether it's Wall St. or financial centres around the world. Certainly at the higher levels they are, but if you're talking about analysts at major firms or asset managers, thousands would not be. You had so many lower level employees noticing these in-flows, since they are totally anomalous. They started asking questions, word was getting around that nothing was making sense."


Bill: It's weird to think the cabal would be threatened by some low-level people.


Gideon: "They're not threatened, it's just logistically not efficient. Not everyone who pushed the vaccines knew they were poison. If employees among the vaccine companies figured it out and started asking too many questions, that would have needed to be dealt with. It never happened at a large scale, just a few here and there, and they were eliminated. With the financial sector, it's too vast, it's literally millions of people, a huge percentage who are not Sovereign or Commons who work directly for the cabal."


Bill: Ok, that makes sense. So they changed the methods. Crypto covers their tracks?


Gideon: "Yes, it does. It's why Blackrock just set up a special division for it. Now they are just seeing massive purchases of crypto, which isn't necessarily unusual for Wall St., it's been totally normalized for this reason. They also changed how it's handled in CSRQ."


Bill: How do you mean?


Gideon: "Before, they were simply holding it, but this was causing the price to gain in too much value. Now it's put in and then transferred into what's called a leverage wallet."


Bill: What's that, I've not heard of that.


Gideon: "It moves to a wallet that effectively re-sells, or really loans, the crypto into fiat on the market, but retains the Bitcoin as collateral. In other cases, they short the market. After this change was made, we saw all these huge drops in Bitcoin's price."


Bill: So they don't want Bitcoin's price going way up?


Gideon: "I think if they didn't manipulate the price, Bitcoin would go to $100,000 overnight, because of these in-flows. This would cause retail investors to pour their money into it, probably doubling it to $200,000 overnight. It would reach a Million per Bitcoin within weeks. I don't think it serves their purposes to have that happen."


Bill: I wanted to ask about corporate profits. I've seen huge declines in profits, but also reports that Wall St. is making record profits. What's really going on?


Gideon: "A lot of the numbers being reported are fuzzy numbers, Bill. Everything they're doing is to cover up the wealth being moved in USDR."


Bill: They're not just printing USDR out of thin air, are they?


Gideon: "No."


Bill: We talked about this, but just remind everyone, what was the reason for this?


Gideon: "They're no longer going to use bonds, central bank-type systems or traditional fiat, capitalistic currencies. USDR and how it's being arranged is very different. There will be no debt issued, in the traditional sense.


The supply of USDR is capped. Since it is a digital currency, similar to Bitcoin, it's going to be capped. That's extremely significant. It is also a blockchain-based ledger, and it appears they want fiat moved into USDR as an accounting procedure, rather than simply issuing USDR to Sovereigns."


Bill: Right, I had someone ask me, "Why are they moving money into it?" But you've told me many times, they want an accounting of the Sovereign wealth to be registered within USDR.


Gideon: "Yes, the wealth as it is exists in this framework. It seems to be a way for them to stratify the Sovereigns into a hierarchy, based on the wealth they were able to attain in this framework. Your worth to the cabal as a Sovereign is heavily weighted by how much money you have. So you see some of the new Sovereigns rushing to make money, to move it into USDR."


Bill: That makes sense. I would assume by the end game, they will move everything into USDR.


Gideon: "Everything they can, yes. This would happen during the collapse. In fact, this process seems to have a secondary effect of initiating and producing the collapse effects, it's very interesting how they are doing this."


Bill: You talk about this hierarchy. If I had a lot more USDR, would I have more power?


Gideon: "My guys say they are seeing some new things implemented in the Sovereign class sections, so yes. They're going to have a hierarchy. It will be based on a lot of things. If you're in 'retired' status, which you are, I'm not sure how much it will matter, but it may be the one metric you are judged by, so it may matter a lot. We're not clear. They're making updates to CSRQ right now with these changes."


Bill: Ok, it makes sense they would have a hierarchy. I would think it's based on your service to the cabal, your track record, your wealth and so on.


Gideon: "It will be like that, yes, and your previous ranking in their various secret societies."


Bill: Is me not having been in one an issue?


Gideon: "No, because your data was spoofed with another Sovereign who had previous membership. That said, it's not critical to being Sovereign, because we see at least half a Million Sovereigns do not have previous secret society membership. They had government, leadership roles, and so on, but did not belong to any organization. You would think of them as independent contractors, in a sense, who did work for the cabal, or people more recently made Sovereign who turned."


Bill: Ok, I see. There will be something else in CSRQ, you told me it is a debt-like mechanism but not based on money?


Gideon: "Yes, it's based on the social credit tracking and scoring system. CSRQ will use debt based on personal data, not money. It will lock people into inescapable slavery."


Bill: Right, we talked about how they're getting rid of debt. This will be a huge selling point to the masses, but it's a bait and switch, isn't it?


Gideon: "It is."


Bill: I just saw someone on Facebook get banned because they suggested loans have to be paid back. Facebook banned them! That felt like a confirmation to me.


Gideon: "It probably is, you're going to see a lot more about debt-freedom, debt-forgiveness. It's one way they sell CSRQ, one way they get people on board with it. The vaccinated will embrace it, and some of the unvaccinated will find it appealing."


Bill: This is radical and just incredible, from the standpoint of economics.


Gideon: "It is, but we all think it will work."


Bill: You mean, you and your guys?


Gideon: "Yes, and others."


Bill: Some of your sources?


Gideon: "Yes. One of my sources is an asset manager, very high level. He is telling me how worried he is for the middle and upper classes. He thinks they will have psychological breakdowns. They aren't going to be able to handle what will happen. He sees them scrambling to do something with their money, but they have no clue what's really going to happen.


He knows he can't help them, but he knows about USDR, too. He's in a tough spot. He's tried to give some hints, but in his mind, there's nothing he can really do. Then you have the lower classes, the paycheck to paycheck people, we honestly think they'll be thrilled with the new system."


Bill: That's scary, but I agree now with you. They're going to think it's great, especially the young people.


Gideon: "They have a lot of things in CSRQ for Common classes in terms of the social scoring, in terms of incentives. This has already been extensively trial-run in a lot of online games the young people play. They're already familiar with these types of ecosystems, in terms of levelling up a character, gaining points, or XP."


Bill: I don't know much about that.


Gideon: "It's a very big thing, Bill. You might want to brush up on it."


Bill: What do I need to look into? Online games? What kind?


Gideon: "Mobile app games, which are played by Billions of people, and online multiplayer games. A popular one is League of Legends. All of these games integrate character-based scoring and levelling systems. They've been doing this at a wide scale for ten years, getting every kid into it. CSRQ will use a similar type of system, except you are levelling yourself up."


Bill: Hmm. The vaccinated will accept this. The unvaccinated, where do they fit in?


Gideon: "I think a lot of unvaccinated young people are familiar with these games, too. It won't be an issue integrating them. Post-Reset, everyone is getting vaccinated, Bill. Everyone. So think in terms of that. The only exceptions are the Sovereigns. The cabal thinks only a very small handful will really resist, to the point drones are used."


Bill: Well, they'll resist at first. A lot will resist at first.


Gideon: "Yes, at first. A variety of psychological methods will be used to get them to comply at that point."


Bill: It's very complex, so I forget some of the parameters of what will play out. You had said the vaccinated will need to take the new vaccine, too, but they'll just give them more of the mRNA poison.


Gideon: "Correct."


Bill: It's extremely layered what they're doing.


Gideon: "It's not as simple as the idea that some megalomaniacs want to control the world. It goes far beyond that. It's a spiritual war playing out on a cosmic level most people do not understand whatsoever."


Bill: You told me you think how this new vaccine will be introduced could be very radical and not what we are expecting.


Gideon: "Yes, I don't know exactly how they will do it, but I have suspicions it will be done in a way that is really surprising. It may not use the old, obvious methods."


Bill: How do you think they could sell it?


Gideon: "Their alternative media doctors could market it, the gatekeepers, instead of the usual players, like Pfizer. No one trusts them anymore. The sheep do, but they already took the poison. The point here is to get the unvaccinated on board. They know their drones will work, but obviously they would prefer easy compliance over drastic measures."


Bill: So expect the unexpected when it comes to this nano-hydra, when they introduce it?


Gideon: "Absolutely, yes."


Bill: Someone told me I should watch Ready Player One. That Spielberg film. Did they put some foreshadowing into that?


Gideon: "Yes, they did. That would be one to watch."


Bill: Something that occurred to me that we totally skipped over is that a lot of unvaccinated people are Commons who serve the cabal. They will survive through all of this.


Gideon: "Correct. Not every, single vaccinated person will perish, because a certain percentage got a saline shot. Those would be people in moderate positions of power, ones who will work toward gaining Sovereign status through serving the cabal. You will end up with a society of Sovereigns, vaccinated Commons who received the saline shot, and the rest will be the unvaccinated, that's who is alive now who will be left in ten years."


Bill: Then you have the Third World, which was largely not vaccinated. What is their plan for them?


Gideon: "They're already being slowly vaccinated, and more vaccines are and will be introduced. The intention is to see that level of compliance, so they are suitable to transition to other side."


Bill: Right, right. By taking the vaccine, you are submitting to the cabal.


Gideon: "Yes. But the ones who strongly resist, the cabal wants them here on Earth, to stay, so everything will centre around that. It's a spiritual test. The cabal also needs a workforce to keep the cities running, so millions of Third World people are being brought into the West, flooded into the West.


The Third Worlders are also not as programmed by Western media, therefore they won't be as effective on the other side, even if they are somehow bullied into taking a vaccine. They were never a priority one way or another for this reason. The cabal understands these things."


Bill: Incredible. I've also heard there's a lot of agendas relating to that. Some of it having to do with race mixing. Some of it having to do with a Jewish agenda.


Gideon: "That would relate to some of the plans. This idea of breaking up the family, distorting gender roles, distorting race identity, it all serves a larger plan of creating a trans-human race plugged into the Metaverse, one that is controlled. That, and the world capital will be in Israel.


The interesting thing about some of the Zionists is that they are controlled by higher entities they are not aware of, meanwhile they believe strongly in a extremely inhuman, exclusionary doctrine that places them at the top of the pyramid, so to speak. They are actually part of a cog within the cabal's system, while they believe sincerely they are at the top."


Bill: Mind-blowing. There's a lot more to this we've talked about privately, should we discuss it more in Part 2?


Gideon: "We can save it for that."




Bill: I'm seeing XRP promoted everywhere by the QFS people. This is really crazy to me. The people who claim to be against the bankers are promoting the bankers coin. Can you address that?


Gideon: "It's a typical trick of the cabal. They love to get the good people worshipping their evil, so they have all of these so-called truth-seekers clamouring to buy XRP. We know XRP will have zero value after this. We know the owners of XRP have been dumping their stores of the coin on the markets for years, gaining fiat, and now they are just turning that into USDR. I told you, Bill, the Sovereigns in the Alt Media are going on a sales frenzy to gain USDR."


Bill: I see it everywhere, the sales push. They are pushing gold, silver, XRP, fake Trump bucks, all kinds of things, but you're saying none of them are actually investing in these things themselves?


Gideon: "No, they take the fiat they generate from those sales and buy USDR."


Bill: It does seem nuts to me that the cabal would let people get rich off XRP. Why would they even allow that in the first place?


Gideon: "They wouldn't. So those who are investing in it are presupposing the cabal is going to let them get rich off their special banker coin. That would never happen, and in this case, it won't happen and XRP isn't going to be used in any capacity in the post-Reset world."


Bill: These people are just driving themselves off a cliff. They're morons.


Gideon: "They are."


Bill: You told me you think there is some kind of Ripple tech in use, though, with USDR?


Gideon: "Yes, but it is apples and oranges. It has nothing to do with XRP the coin itself or anything you can buy on the open market."


Bill: I see, well, thank you for addressing that. Let's move on. I keep hearing September is a big month, in all sorts of ways. It lines up with these seven year cycle dates, the Shmita , it's historically a bad month for markets and so on. What do you see?


Gideon: "For the cabal, the meeting in September is important, as we discussed. War is still on the table, a staged war, but they would do that in Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, not now. The bottom could fall out of the markets in September, we are on the brink. I would look at the 28th of September."


Bill: We need our Sovereigns to be ready.


Gideon: "We do."


Bill: I'm bouncing all over with questions, but did you see Jared Kushner talking about immortality? The story was reported everywhere, I mean all over the media.


Gideon: "Yes. Not likely an accident he would come out and say that."


Bill: We talked about this, but the Sovereigns also want immortality for themselves, so will they take the nano-hydra vaccine?


Gideon: "No, they will not take the formulation that will be used for the unvaccinated. They have other methods, methods that use some similar concepts. The reason they won't take the nano-hydra is because it has properties that lead to a person to be submissive, lose their will power, and other effects."


Bill: What other effects?


Gideon: "I'm not at liberty to say."


Bill: Why?


Gideon: "There are limits to what I can say, with respect to the arrangement."


Bill: I understand. Another thing I wanted to ask was that it seemed like the agents backed off, what's going on? I hope it stays like this, knock on wood.


Gideon: "I spoke to you about the arrangement, but left out the details."


Bill: So that was included?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: There's still some agents buzzing about, in my opinion.


Gideon: "They have instructions to monitor, not to interfere. If they don't obey, there will be reprimands."


Bill: I wish people knew what was done, the sacrifice you made.


Gideon: "Our Sovereigns can know, I will instruct you when to tell them."


Bill: Sounds good. I still have people attacking me and being negative. What should I do?


Gideon: "They aren't who matters. We're not focused anymore on getting this to the public and stopping it. It can't be stopped. We tried, we failed."


Bill: Well, I don't think we failed at all, I think the public failed.


Gideon: "That's one way to put it. I'm trying to be charitable. You just need to get your mind focused on our family, our people. This isn't anymore about getting information to the public and public relations, trying to answer every question, trying to convince anyone. Don't waste your time on that."


Bill: Understood.


Gideon: "We have a short window of time. We have five now, we need at least ten."


Bill: Should we go ahead with posting the new email?


Gideon: "Yes. Be prepared to use our filtering techniques, the ones I taught you. We've had way too many people we had to reject. Very few are suitable for this, very few can be a part of this."


Bill: Ok. I will do that, but I think what we did before was smart, we had to because of the agents.


Gideon: "We did, and it worked. Since the rules of the game changed, we can finally do what we need to do without the interference."


Bill: I wish I could tell people what's really going on.


Gideon: "You can tell our Sovereigns, some of it. Run it by me first, what you plan to say."


Bill: I will. Thank you for all of this. We will defeat them.


Gideon: "The cabal doesn't think we can or will. "


Bill: They don't know our hearts then, or our souls. The cabal thinks they are all-powerful, but they're not. Only God is.


Gideon: "I know."




Note: We are building a team. It doesn't matter what class you are in CSRQ, you will still be able to help us post-Reset if you share in what we believe and want to fight back. We will need people we can rely on and coordinate with from all over the world. You can fill out our anonymous questionnaire here.


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