
 Hidden Symbolism?


A lot of what goes on in this world is symbolic, especially on the world stage.

For what it is worth, here are a few symbolic items for your consideration....


The Destroyer as Shiva/Cali?

God of all things =GO AT

Would you direct your attention to this picture taken in front of the CERN complex in Geneva, Switzerland?

Goddess Kali (destroyer) showcased on the Empire State building in NYC

Image Aug 10, 2015 09:02 IST

119 days later....December 7th this video is taken at CERN, but not released until December 29th 2015

[video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uZXvwrKhj4w [/video]

Ok, it was CGI, but still symbolic.(and now it is gone)


144 days after Cali is showcased on EMPIRE  – we see a “torch destroyed”

Torch Tower in Dubai caught fire February 21, 2015 and again December 31(2 min video) -314 days apart.

The World Trade Center caught fire February 26, 1993 and again September 11, 2001 with 3119 days between.

From September 11, 2001 - it is 14 years, 3 months, 21 days to December 31,2015...4,3,2,1 Liftoff...

Bastille Day 2016 - Conicidence?

January 2, 2016: On The Trail Of Dubai's Stolen Gold: A Robbed Client Breaks The Silence, And A Fascinating Detail Emerges

Gold theft from World Trade Center, towering inferno.
Gold theft from Dubai, towering inferno.

Many theories have been proposed as to the origin of the word Dubai. One theory suggests the word was used to describe the souq, which was similar to the souq in Ba.[20] Another theory states that the name came from a word meaning "money",

The most prominent theme in the occulty Economist magazine is not surprisingly; money.




The IMF is center stage in this photo below, but the second most prominent feature is fire.

Canada is on fire: Fort McMurray – largest fire 1,437,400 acres on May 1 – MAYDAY.


(The tower top left -with smoke- is the Philippines flag.)

Philippines was symbolically in the news December 20th, 2015

Miss Colombia (symbolic of the District of Columbia / US) is symbolically and publicly De-crowned as ruler of the Universe and the power is given to Eastern Powers - Miss Philippines. (and she was definitely smoking!) Coinciding with the Christmas Full Moon, the NINTH since 1776. 239 years. Christmas 1977 was just seven months before the first Star Wars (see reference in picture above) premiered, on May 25, 1977. This Christmas will mark just seven days before the SEVENTH Star Wars premiere, on December 18, 2015. Nothing is as it seems.

1/19 (notice the date as it is a clue)  regarding the Philippine Plate

Eruptions: Mount Zhupanovsky , Mount Egon , is one of 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, which sits on the Ring of Fire.
MONSTER ERUPTIONS: Panic as two volcanoes EXPLODE simultaneously causing mass evacuation

And Black Sun, Burning man?

2-2-2016 Secretary of Defense - Ash Carter - Announces his cash burn: $582 Billion.

1-19-2016 Jamie Foxx saves driver from burning truck in California

Burns Oregon – Economist cover shows National Parks / fire. 1 dead, 8 arrested =9

The dead Arizona rancher, who was caring for 11 foster children with his wife... (interesting people count 9+11). Arson led to the Oregon Militia Standoff and was started 19 days after 9-11-2001.

Black Sun / (sun is a star)  passing before us (Bowie released BlackStar Album just before his death, Price is a black star, Mohammed Ali is a black star, SuperBowl MVP Cam NEWTON is a black star.)

Notice the Tunnels on the Economist page?

The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual

Notice the word VOTE prominently displayed with an arrow next to the British "tower". [Brexit vote?]

We will distract you with snow, meanwhile:The World Economic Forum in DAVOS Switzerland is in full swing-shades of Jekyll Island?


Switzerland to vote on banning banks from creating money

The headlines are tantalizing, but don’t get too excited.

 SEE: http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/tn-special-report-iceland-meme-that.html

 "The Iceland revolution" a test to see how to manipulate opinion in the information age. She does have a point.

 The “controllers” do the same stuff over and over. This 13 min video posted the first of the year outlines how they "re-phoenix" a country. Recall "WE WON" the American Revolution, well at least that is what the history books say. Reality is another story.

 Based on this longstanding historical pattern, it is likely we can predict some major splashy "perp walks" and a collapse of the current monetary regime, with an equally oppressive and more sophisticated banking system (ostensibly to “protect the banking system from this type of thing happening again.”) rolled out in days.

 Really? How long do you plan for re-tooling a manufacturing plant?

 Based upon two THOUSAND years of manipulation of public opinion we suggest that there will be changes, but the same puppet masters behind the scenes are just pulling new "nylon" strings vs the old twine strings they previously used.  In the meantime, continue being distracted.....

Although....February 5, 2016 ECONOMIC CRISIS HOT

Flaming / Burning Man / Burning Sun Icons


Other candidates with a burning desire


Any other Flaming Tower Icons in the news?

trump (also trump card): a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage.

Tag line: You're FIRED!

Hidden messages or pysop? Visit the page occasionally and if any more strangeness appears, we will include.


You can use Torch browser or Firefox to view the economy in flames


The Ratio of Positive to Negative Economic Outlook Articles based Google counts


For the truly brave, we offer the RED PILL




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