
Y. by Anon Y. Mous Lyrics:

Verse 1:

Every morning I wake up

Wishing that I didn’t

I wish that my life

Could be a little bit different

I wish that I could crack a smile

Grin and laugh once in awhile

But that’s not how this works

Life is a commitment


I wish that maybe once

I could experience bliss

But I’ve never ever fucking felt

Any more upset than this


I’ve never looked forward

To tomorrow or the next day

I’ve never even felt hope

At least not while sober


I wish that I could smoke

Every single day

And if you’re not my dealer

Get the fuck up out my way


I don’t need your bullshit

Your thoughts or your drama

Your opinion is irrelevant

You’re not Dalai Lama


I don’t believe in God

No, I don’t believe in karma

My only belief is happiness

When I drink my vodka


Yeah bottom of the bottle

Shit I did it again

But it’s really hard not to drink

When booze is your only friend


Every night I go to sleep

Wishing for the end

But I ain’t no damn optimist

No, I don’t play pretend


You see cuz that’s the thing

That differentiates you and me

I will never ever tell a lie

Just to be happy



Verse 2:

Life is a cheap ploy.
Do you really believe that we’re free?

What have we come to be?

We’ve been enslaved by society,


We’re our government’s property

So blinded by the dishonesties

You’ve all been deceived

Wait...  Can’t you see?


I feel like I’m about to puke.
I feel like I’m about to cry.
I feel like every day I live,

I am living a lie.

I just want to roll over and die.
All I do during my free time

Is sleep and ask myself why:

Why has nature gone awry?


These questions don’t have answers

I need to shut off my mind.

I need to stop wishing that
I could press rewind

All these people say they adore me
Sorry, but I just find

Life unpleasantly boring.


It’s raining, it’s pouring
It’s dawn, it’s dusk.
What’s all the fuss?
It’s all the same thing.
Just with a slightly different ring


I guess I’ll sit back

Puff on this joint

I need to relax

And what’s your fucking point?


Verse 3:

Why do we even live?
Why do we even fight?
Why do we keep ourselves up

All throughout the night?


Am I right

Or am I right?

We all have at least just once

Experienced this plight

Am I right?


We worry about things

That don’t even matter.
But the fact of the matter is
Our lives are a disaster.


There’s genocide and war
The hungry and the poor

Hurricane after hurricane

It’s too much to endure

Both Sandy and Irene
Were tremendously obscene
There is a pretty good reason that

Euthanasia is a thing

This isn’t a dream.
We can’t just grow wings

Though the thought of it does ring

We can’t fly away


Anything else are lies they say

All the deceits they’re attempting to convey

If you wanna have it your way

Just like Grand Master Yoda would say,


“Many sacrifices, you must make”

I’m sitting here while sharpening my blade

My mind has already been made

My hope has diminished to a fade



Yes, I’ve done the math

This seems like a pretty fair trade

This thing we humans label as life

Isn’t actually life at all

It’s nothing but a lie we made

The truth is there

But it’s been mislaid


There’s ups and downs of life

Both of which I have weighed

I’ve swayed

So dismayed, I prayed


There’s no going back

Can’t evade

Just delay

Death feels like an upgrade

“Don’t go please stay”

I really could care less about what you say


I cannot allay

People do nothing but betray

12 people have dismayed me

And that’s merely counting today, see?

A disarray, they disobey

But that’s just the human way

In no way is what I’m trying to convey that

Judgement day at this rate is just another Huessein away
Although that’s not too astray

Cooperation is child’s play

We learned this shit in the first grade

Nay, this isn’t supposed to be a cliché

Hey, can you please just stop the foul play

I hope you liked this song,

That’s all I have to say.


Good day.