
Quick Norcross Locksmith LLC: Transponder Keys: Potential Problems

Even though you may not know what a transponder key is, you most probably use at least one – and you use it quite frequently. The key you use to unlock and start your vehicle is a transponder key. Perhaps you noticed that the key contains something more than just the metal part. There, in that plastic case, the transponder resides. Without the transponder, your car will not start. A key that has a transponder which malfunctions is almost useless. We say almost because the key will still unlock the car in many cases, even when the transponder is malfunctioning.



Unfortunately, unlike traditional keys, transponder keys are quite sensitive. Not only do they require battery power to work, they can also get easily damaged. If you drop the key repeatedly, the transponder may malfunction. Sometimes, the transponder key may stop working for no obvious reason. In any case, you need to take action as soon as you notice that the transponder key is malfunctioning. If you don’t, you will end up not being able to start your car. Here at Quick Norcross Locksmith LLC, we are experts at working with this type of key. We can help you with anything from reprogramming the transponder to replacing it entirely. We may not know what the problem is when you call us, but we will quickly dispatch a specialist to your location with all the necessary tools and equipment. Our locksmiths have years of experience working with transponder keys, so rest assured that we will be able to help you right away.


How Do Transponder Keys Work Exactly

A transponder key works via radio frequency. The transponder inside the key communicates with your vehicle and sends the ignition codes to the onboard computer of the car. The codes are preprogrammed into the transponder or are generated and sent in a somewhat random fashion. In other words, it would be very difficult to dupe a vehicle to start if one does not know the proper codes. There are vehicles that will not even unlock if the transponder codes do not match with the ones the vehicle is expecting.


Because the transponder key lets the car know that the rightful owner is nearby, it should work flawlessly. If it malfunctions and sends the wrong codes, the vehicle will refuse to start or even unlock the doors.


Read more on: Quick Norcross Locksmith LLC: Transponder Keys: Potential Problems