
New Furnace Installations in Calgary - 5 Factors Influencing the Cost!

Are you planning to install a new furnace system? In Calgary, finding an HVAC company to get it done is not a big deal. But the main factor most people are concerned about is the cost. However, installing a furnace system is not expensive. But it depends on several factors. And that is what this article has revealed. So, before you invest in new furnace installations in Calgary, check these out first! 

new furnace installations


Which Factors Determine the Cost of Furnace Installations


  1. Type of Furnace


The type of furnace you choose will greatly impact the cost of the installation. There are three main types of furnaces: gas, electric, and oil. Gas furnaces are the most common and typically the most affordable, while electric and oil furnaces tend to be more expensive. Electric and oil furnaces may require additional installation costs, such as wiring or a fuel tank.


  1. Size of Furnace


The size of your furnace is another factor that can impact the installation cost. A small furnace will not heat your home efficiently, while a large furnace can be more expensive and waste energy. A professional installer will need to determine the appropriate size of furnace for your home. The larger the furnace, the more expensive the installation may be.


  1. Efficiency Rating


The efficiency rating of a furnace is a measure of how much heat it can produce from a unit of fuel. Higher efficiency ratings mean that the furnace will use less energy to heat your home, which can result in lower energy bills. But furnaces with higher efficiency ratings can be more expensive to install.


  1. Ductwork


Your home's existing ductwork will also impact the cost of furnace installation. If your ductwork is in good condition, the installation may be relatively straightforward. But, if your ductwork is old or in poor condition, you may need to pay extra to get it replaced or repaired. 


  1. Additional Features


There are many additional features you may want to consider when installing a new furnace. For example, a programmable thermostat can help you control your heating more efficiently, but it will add to the overall cost of the installation. Similarly, humidifiers can help improve your home's indoor air quality, but they will also increase the installation cost.


Contact Here to Install a Furnace System

Need experts for new furnace installations in Calgary? Get in touch with Furnace Company Calgary. They install all types of furnace systems from all major brands. Visit furnacecompanycalgary.ca to know more.