
Why You Should Never Accept Blame After A Car Accident


Often people think they are responsible for a car accident, yet evidence proves otherwise. Before speaking to a car accident lawyer, you should never accept fault for a car accident. Robert J. DeBry & Associates offers professional services and advice in case you need an attorney.

You might not have all the facts

At the time of the accident, the details might seem straightforward. However, you might only know some of the circumstances, especially about the other driver. You might be missing critical information about the accident, and admitting fault will allow the other party to get away with crucial information that would prove otherwise. Allow the police and car accident lawyers to analyze the situation. They are in a better position to come up with all the facts.

Insurance companies will depreciate or deny your claim

When the insurance company reaches out to you after the accident, taking the blame might give them an opportunity to devalue your claim. The conversations are recorded to find evidence that it was your fault and can be used against you in court. Since insurance companies want to save money, they will use anything to pay you less. Admitting fault will give them the upper hand.

You are not legally required to admit fault

Whether you feel responsible or think all evidence is against you, admitting fault will only worsen the situation. When talking to the police, the insurance company, or other involved parties, you must avoid saying things that could be misinterpreted as admitting fault. For instance, do not apologize or reveal any incriminating details.


Admitting fault will leave you in a dreadful position. You might think you are speeding up the process only to discover that you have jeopardized your chances at any compensation. You should hire a car accident lawyer from Robert J. DeBry & Associates and allow them to speak on your behalf.