
Live Streaming: Understanding Variations

Live streaming over the internet is a process that raises many doubts, as there are many variables that do the same or almost the same thing. Let's start by talking about the different names given to a live broadcast or Streaming: Live Streaming, Webcast, Webinar, Facebook live, YouTube Live, Periscope, Instagram live, Vimeo Live, among others. The important thing is to know that whatever the name given to the live transmission process, it is the act of transmitting audio and video over the internet, where people can watch a certain event without direct interaction, that is, they only passively watch that image and sound, questions, polls and chats for partial interaction can be added to this live broadcast.


How Does A Live Broadcast Work?

The live transmission is based on capture act of capturing image and audio by video cameras, encoder system that captures the image and audio and transforms it into the data language for the internet and the internet link. The latter is a key part in the whole process, as it will give quality and continuity to the transmission of your event. Many do not give the necessary importance to this item, which certainly makes a difference in this process.

Once the three pillars are agreed and confirmed, the live streaming process can be a success. Yes, you can, but there are other variables that can bring down your transmission, such as: badly sized equipment, equipment that does not meet the needs of the event, energy not suitable for the process, etc.


Simultaneous Transmissions

We still have some variations that confuse the market, such as simultaneous transmission. What would that be? In our view, it is a transmission made to several points in the same location, for example: you are capturing images on the 1st floor and want to transmit simultaneously to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors. This would be a simultaneous transmission in the same location.


Video Conference

In addition we have the Video Conference, which is a live broadcast with interaction between 2 or several points. It is done when it is necessary to have a direct and private communication between two points or more. Video conferencing is a different system because it has a lot of quality in image and audio and its use can be varied, such as bringing a person to a video lecture, holding meetings with people from different places, debates with several people in different countries, among other possibilities.

Live streaming is a solution that serves a number of purposes and can help resolve issues of people mobility for specific events. In addition to saving, you can take messages in real time and earn a lot of money through it.


Technology: Computer

It is important that the live broadcast is done on a computer with a capture card. It is this card that will make the sound plus image conversion for the computer. In addition, an efficient internet connection is essential. Crashes are the fastest way for your viewers to leave the broadcast. A connection of at least 3MB of stable uplink is recommended for 480p broadcasts and at least 5MB for 720p broadcasts.


Cutting table

If you have chosen to use more than one camera, then you will need to mix these images. This process is done on the cutting table or video mixer, which can be both physical and software.


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