
Mycorrhizal Fungi Root Enhancer, For Plant Growth | Indogulf

A symbiotic association between mycorrhiza fungi liquid and plants is established at the root level. To allow two-way nutrition exchange, these mycorrhiza liquids envelop and, in some cases, penetrate the structure of plant roots. Mycorrhizal fungi use their mycelium to expand the roots of the plants they interact with, making it easier for them to obtain nutrients, minerals, and water from a greater distance. Photosynthesized sugars are given to the fungus by the mycorrhizal plant in exchange.


•    Enhance the growth and development of plant roots.
•    Phosphate absorption and mobilization in all crops should be increased.
•    Translating nutrients from the root cuticle parenchyma and soil to xylem and Phloem can be enhanced and facilitated by various nutrient-transport enhancing techniques like MYCORRHIZA Fungi powder.
•    Stress conditions such as drought, disease, and crop insufficiency can be overcome by using this product.
•    Improve product quality and boost crop immunity.
•    As a result, mycorrhiza powder avoids a decrease in crop relative water content and aids in the fight against drought.

Every gardener should opt for organic products containing mycorrhiza fungi to replenish the soil rather than get a commercial harvest. Thus One should buy only high-quality organic fertilizers for the plants, like the one by Indogulfbioag.