
MAP Resources Backups Restrictions

You may not use the backup files to create publicly-available derivative or modified works except as described in this section. You may repost the unmodified backup files elsewhere for others to download.


You may create public mirrors (exact copies at different URLs) of the MAP Resources website (or a selection of pages) using these files. Mirrors must use noindex tags to avoid competing with the official website. Mirrors may be translated into other languages as long as the content remains the same. You may make changes to increase speed, improve accessibility, reduce storage size, or adjust links to bypass Google redirects, so long as user-facing behavior and content remain the same. Mirrors may not collect identifying information about users, sell user data, or hold usage data for longer than a year.


You must be in compliance with the latest version of these restrictions before using any version of the backup files. Assume that this file was last updated on the "edited" date at the top of this message.