
Monsoon Lifestyle: Ways to stay healthy during Monsoon

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GlobalTechUpdate @GTU · Jul 6, 2022

The monsoon season is here and we are ready to enjoy its beauty. So what do you think about the rain? 


The monsoon season brings many things, including beautiful weather, lush green landscapes, and delicious food.

But there are also risks associated with this season. Here are some tips on how to stay safe during the monsoon.





Rain is a natural thing that happens on Earth. Rain cycles between forming and falling. Also known as the water cycle or hygroscopic cycle, the sun evaporates water from lakes, seas, and other bodies of water. 


On rising to the atmosphere, it condenses and creates clouds that fall as rain. Rainfall is necessary for the survival of life on Earth.


Humans love the rain because it provides relief from the heat. Some of us like to stay home on rainy days and read books while watching the rain fall. Also, some of us like to easy spicy food.


However, despite the beauty of the monsoons, the season also brings with it a variety of disorders and the spread of diseases. This season might be detrimental to your overall health and immunity. 


Here are defined some points you should do to stay healthy during the rainy season.


Drink Plenty of Water


During the monsoon, the atmosphere is quite humid, but the body becomes dehydrated. It is best to drink a lot of clean, filtered, and boiled water. High humidity prevents sweat from evaporating and releasing body heat during the monsoon. This is why one should drink 8 to 12 ounces of water each day


Maintain a balanced diet


It’s important to pay extra attention to your diet during the monsoons if you want to stay healthy. Lighter foods may boost your metabolism. Adding seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet is a fantastic idea. Just be careful to wash them before eating. 


This will protect you from water-borne infections that are prevalent during this season. Avoid unhygienic street food to avoid allergies, infections, and viral fever. Instead, eat more home-cooked meals and drink hot beverages.


Exercise Daily and Stay Fit


The rain may block jogging tracks, walking paths, and other outdoor locations, but that should not prevent you from putting in your regular workout. If you can’t go to the gym, try yoga and stretching at home. 


Arthritis, sciatica, and rheumatism are more common during the monsoons. Regular exercise keeps joints and muscles lubricated, strong, and pain-free. In addition, exercise helps enhance immunity, which can aid in warding off disease.


Boost your immune system


People with weak immune systems get sick easily. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and grains. Green tea can also help you stay healthy by making your immune system stronger.


Pathogens increase during monsoon. Viral, bacterial, and parasite infections are common. A strong immune system protects our body from harmful infections and bacteria.