
Mobile application development process - step by step



According to Comscore statistics, 87% of smartphone use is on apps, compared to only 13% with internet browsing. For long-term growth, it’s a good idea to reach potential buyers where they spend most of their time.


In light of this, it could easily be that your business will need a mobile app. In the negotiations with our clients, almost among the first questions are what will be the framework of the joint work, who is responsible for what, how can we, as developers, give ideas, implementation options to the client and how much can we “figure out” on the fly?


In the case of startups, almost without exception, it can always be said that there is always a brilliant idea, with countless vague factors in its implementation. How much can such a company ask for application development when even he himself does not know exactly what he wants and how?


We are trying to answer this question in our current article.


First of all, it is important to mention that for us it is now alpha and omega of the development process to help an agile development company answer a number of professional questions, select professional background support (UX friendly or UI interface) and define the time and material framework for development, also in finalizing the business model. The steps of the development process are also defined in this spirit.

1. Initial consultations, market research, and idea validation       

The joint work begins with a detailed consultation, or in other words, a consultation. In doing so, you need to agree with the developers on the future appearance of the application and its required functions.


As a client, you have the opportunity to present your idea and your needs for the application at this stage.


The developer page summarizes and analyzes the requests we receive from you. At the same time, it helps to conduct market research and then provides feedback on the extent to which the project is feasible or whether some modifications may be necessary.


The initial phase can be considered successful if we find common answers to the following questions:


  • What is the main purpose of the mobile app? What problem will you solve? What are the benefits for the user? Why will users want to download?
  • What is the unique feature of the application, i.e. its USP?
  • Is there already a similar solution on the market? Who can be called competitors? What is the potential base of users?
  • How long will the development process take?
  • What strategy should you use to distribute the app? How can periodic maintenance or upgrades be resolved?


As a prospective mobile app owner, you should feel free to come up with your requests during the initial negotiations. Describe your ideas and ask for detailed information on the extent to which your idea seems feasible.

2. Planning the appearance and creating the prototype       

Simple and easy to use must be associated with an aesthetic look in order for the application to have a good chance of success among users.


You should not forget the importance of this for a moment as you work with the members of the development team to design the design elements of the application.

What exactly will happen at this stage?

On the one hand, a framework is created that includes the data, interface, and functions of the application. Based on the initial ideas, the first wireframes are born, which provide an illustrative visual representation of the future layout of the app.


As an integral part of the design process, style guidelines are also recorded and then the first mockups are born. That is, the first wireframes will be supplemented with basics that touch the style, giving you a realistic idea of ​​what our application will look like in its final form.


Finally, when the first prototype is born, we can test the application minimally. Of course, this is just an initial version, but it’s ideal for trying out the final look for the future.


Design is ideally part of agile development. That is, it is done step by step, in consultation with you, jointly brainstorming and testing. Thus, the main goal is to achieve the highest possible “wow” factor from the user in the final version with greater efficiency.

3. The development or coding phase       

Development is a process that involves consultation between you and our developers every two weeks. Here, too, the method of agile development prevails, so both parties test and make suggestions. The further development of the work will depend on the shared experience.




First, the “backend” development includes the database needed to support the functionality of the mobile application as well as the server-side objects.


Within the framework of the “API” process, the communication method between the application and the back-end server/database is developed.


While “front-end” development embodies the platform that the app downloader will use.


However, the agile method still prevails. Continuous development and testing can eliminate many errors that would cause difficulties when finalizing the application.

4. Retesting and fixing bugs       

During the development process, not only can you, as a customer, test the app, but you can even try it out at the user level to keep getting feedback on what your end users think of the new product. The main purpose of this phase is to see if the given function really fulfills the needs of the user and of course to meet the expectations of you as a customer.


The first step is to examine the user interface. To what extent do they match the plans you dreamed of earlier? To what extent is ease of use and aesthetics important for success?


Try out all the features and scenarios and try to imagine yourself in place of the users. In the meantime, observe how quickly the application responds, how much power it consumes, and whether each button works on it.


If you have tried all the options of the application and the possible errors have been revealed, then there is nothing left but to show the brand new mobile application to the general public.

5. Sharing and Distribution       

Once the development is complete, you can't sit back. After all, the best application has been created in vain, which satisfies the given user's needs immediately, if he does not know that it exists.


To do this, first find him a striking name and then upload it to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It is essential to promote your social media on relevant platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter…) and your email list to grow your user base as quickly as possible.

+1 step:

It is also important to know that in connection with the completed application it is necessary to perform updates and maintenance work at certain intervals.


If possible, agree on the terms of this with the development team at an early stage of the negotiation.


In the much more rewarding initial phase, the goal is to provide an application with only the most basic features, i.e. the first round is to create a so-called Minimum Viable Product. After the first tests and minor adjustments required, the expansion may follow, now in a much more predictable way.


Today, the standalone mobile app is not just the privilege of larger companies. Moreover, a plethora of smaller companies is gaining huge market share by taking a trend, and keeping in touch with users, communicating directly with them.


Working with a trusted development team, you can gain a competitive edge for your company completely independent of the industry through a proprietary application. And after reading the post, you already know what specific steps the process itself is made of.


If your company's mobile application is the next important step for your company, you should click here for a free consultation.