
Mind Control – it’s a Fluke!

Evidence that many are not as smart as a slug.



A fluke is a parasite that lays eggs in cow dung. The dung is enjoyed by snails / slugs who ingest the eggs. The eggs grow and begin to interfere with the snail’s life and it vomits them up in the field in a protective coating of slime. Ants come by and enjoy the vomit thereby ingesting the more advanced eggs. Most of the parasites make their way to the abdomen, but a few take a detour which leads them to the insect’s nerve center, where they use mysterious methods to establish overpowering influence. Acting out the demands of the unwelcome guests lodged in its head, an infected ant penetrates the jungle of foliage and selects a random blade of grass. It clambers up the long, thin leaf and crawls out to the tip, where it obeys a powerful urge to secure itself in position with its clamp-like mandibles. Each dangling, stupefied ant-zombie remains paralyzed on its perch throughout the night. When the light and warmth of dawn reappear, the compromised insect comes to its senses and climbs back down to return home. During the day it rejoins its working comrades as though nothing happened; but as evening approaches, and temperatures cool, the parasitic flukes will once again urge their host to venture alone into the wilderness. A new blade of grass is selected and scaled, and the ant once again positions itself upon the tip. This bizarre modified existence continues until one day the dangling insect is sucked into the jaws of a beast, as a grazing cow plucks the occupied grass from the ground, it is oblivious to the zombie ant and its evil masters. The cycle repeats.


The slug got rid of the parasites, the ant did not. The ant financed his own demise. He used his own energy and his own “co-opted” free will to serve his parasitic master.


Ants live in Colonies. Probably more than 13 original colonies, but you may be able to begin to see the fractal repeating pattern of nature and begin to be aware that you should not eat of the forbidden fruit of slug vomit, otherwise known at the ideas of someone else.

Most people think the government controls the people. That is what they want you to think. The fact is, PEOPLE CREATE governments and therefore the government is subordinate to the people. That is reality.


The United States of America has a fluke occupier which most ants are not aware of. Using the same methodology of nature, ideas have infiltrated their brains and created stupefied zombies who remain paralyzed and unable to vomit the parasite out of their mind and makes it impossible for peers to successfully perform the Heimlich maneuver to remove the parasitic ideas.

 US Citizens

Did you ever wonder why there are so many shows about Zombies? Art imitating life or are they telling you something? 



Learning to vote:

The Occult Definition of Vote: How the Voting System is Used to Drain Your Energy

Learn to vote OUR WAY:

The Hidden Persuaders - How The Internet Flips Election & Alters Our Thoughts

This video is an overview of how it is done:


Mind Control - The Mechanics of Mind Control - Tools for the Awakening



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For free download of book, click on title: Communicating Pernicious Beliefs



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[video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsM2k7KI2xs&index=3&list=PLm8HWZ1lnc60QuNE30fwW5yfEdDMGBzfq [/video]

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