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Not only WHO am I, WHAT am I?


Evidence exists that there are three parts to each being: mind, body and spirit.


Spirit Proof source: if there is no spirit, they are dead. – it is ether. Non visible and is merely information. Information which when received by a host will function according to the instructions contained in the DNA (secret decoder ring) of the Petri dish.


Body Proof source: a group of cells in a bag of water programmed with BIOS which when entangled with a spirit produces a body. (Firmware that operates automatically. i.e. breathing,  kidneys functioning etc. No thought needed) After the BIOS is up and running, the body matures and bears fruit – called the mind which like all fruit, returns to the creator. If the seeds of the creator have bloomed, it will search for a higher operating system on an EXTERNAL DRIVE, or use the default OS setting. Default setting is a “seedless” grape,  no creation, it blindly follows orders and is consumed.


Mind Proof source: the “decider” as to weather to listen to your body (earthly desires / simply the five senses-default BIOS) or spirit (ether information source – sometimes called consciousness, God, EXTERNAL DRIVE or whatever) as in OPERATING SYSTEM. The mind decides whether to seek an advanced OS, i.e where to plant the seed of thought and environment determines the resulting product. If planted in fertile soil, it will bloom and become a creator. If stuck in non fertile soil, it does not create but merely loops the FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS mode.


Operating System or OS = OZ – The Wizard of OZ is the man behind the curtain, be careful which one you pick.


Why do we focus on fear?


Fear is a naturally occurring default setting because it serves a survival purpose. Fear comes from the BIOS tapping into the ethos and recognizing that something is a different wave pattern, and then hands the information to the mind to decide. Because the mind is generally using only the five senses (BIOS) to determine reality, it will decide based upon what it can see and hear, touch, smell, and feel.(or what it has been “TOLD”/PROGRAMMED) The mind then creates a thought (which is an energy pattern) which is broadcast into the ether. This thought (energy pattern) is available to everything as we are co-creators of the ethos information. We think, therefore we are. If we change the wave pattern, we are creators, if we repeat it, we are following instructions given to us. Fear is a hard wired BIOS program and is executed in the background, if presented with sufficient stimuli, it moves to the foreground. All other routines are suspended until the fear program has stopped running. if your RAM is processing fear waves, it steals resources searching for an external drive. Fear and scarcity are effective MASTER control programs. 

Man loves to imitate the universe.

An attempt by man to mimic this universal system is the underlying premise of many data mining programs. The information is “out there”. Peoples subconscious can detect it and they “echo” the same pattern if they are using the default setting.

If they have upgraded, they may re-manifest (transform) the thoughts to fit a higher understanding. In either event, the collective consciousness repeats the wave in various individual forms into the ether. These thought waves manifest in physical reality via tiny echoes through subconscious word choices (Freudian slips) that are often more true than we even know. The “truth” leaks out. This is how the pattern of “reality” is manifested. Data mining  Bots identify the leaks and report the findings.

Interpretation is subjective according to the connection of the reporter to the ethos or their love of “hard data”.


Continuity: the future is tied to the past only by the future’s frame of reference to what has occurred. This continuity is essential, because if you did not have a consistent relative frame of reference you could be in China one moment, and in New York the next, this would be very confusing.



The proper image of your controllers


Consider that the future is like driving a car out of your rear view mirror. This analogy will give insight to why history has been cleverly rewritten and why false flags are essential to steering a “default setting” population.


Clearly it doesn’t matter if a story is true or not, it just matters that you saw the movie. This knowledge is evident by governments and religions. Controlling your perception of “god/ethos” is fundamental to their control. These “false idols” come in a variety of flavors; the traditional bearded dude in the sky, the god of money, the ego, “false” science as the god of reason. All are predicated on the source truth and then morphed/re-created to fit the “senders” intent. This “wave pattern” is served up as an information buffet in the ethos.


Your job is not to eat of the forbidden fruit of others false reality. The mind is a green screen, and if you have the default setting, MSM can project anything they want onto it. Remove the green curtain, and you are back to reality.

To get a better grasp of this complex subject, here are a few links which may help to synthesize the concepts. They are helpful to overcome cognitive dissonance and allow you to consider upgrading your SOFTWARE which may allow you to manifest the reality YOU CREATE versus having the pre-fab version which isn’t serving anyone too well right now.


Once you put the idea that there is another resource for you to use in your “rear view mirror”; “reality” will manifest from that perspective.


User Manual for the Brain:

The Intention Experiment:


Science (observable facts) pointing to the ethos/god as existing.


Tom Campbell: A Recent Physics Experiment and What it Means to You


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Consciousness Mechanics: The Movie


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What Is Time to the Unconscious Mind? - Julia Mossbridge, M.A., Ph.D.


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The final thought: You can only change how you think of the past in the HERE AND NOW. There is only the present. The present thoughts which you manifest ABOUT the past, lay the stepping stones to the future. That is why a bot program can never predict with certainty as there is no way to predict what will happen as people begin taking control of their present thoughts. That change in thinking is disruptive to the current paradigm and is a global phenomenon.


Taking control of your thoughts requires responsibility. Click to learn why more people don't fight their urge to follow orders and make their own choices. (Hint: Because when they follow orders, they don’t feel responsible.)