
Men’s Shirt Guide: Definition, History, and Facts Discussed

Over the last half-century or more, Shirts for Men Online have been mostly unchanged — but that has not always been the case. This basic clothing has evolved over the years in amazing ways. In this article, you will get to know the definition, history, and a few amazing facts about men’s shirts. Let’s read on!

Defining Shirts for Men

The shirt is an outfit worn on the upper body part, generally containing a collar, a buttoned front, and short or long sleeves. Maybe the most crucial product in men’s wardrobe after the suit, the shirt always has been pondered a gentleman’s symbol. The best shirts for men are pleated at the cuff, single-stitched, and boast a split shoulder yoke that allows various heights of every shoulder.

History of Shirts for Men

In the 17th Century, shirts arose first in European clothing as a type of underwear, made for safeguarding costly frock coats and waistcoats from soil and sweat. Shirts had been considered essential as outfits in their own right by the early 18th Century. This importance placed by Beau Brummell and other gentlemen on wearing perfectly styled and clean cotton brought the shirt into enhanced outstandings as crucial menswear.

Men, who afforded to wear white shirts before the mid-19th Century, were pondered as gentlemen. Only they intended to purchase, change, and clean them regularly. Since shirts soiled very simply, men engaged in manual labor considered them totally unnecessary for wearing. After the middle of the 19th Century, the growth of enhanced laundry strategies maximized the market for shirts for men. However, they remained symbols of upper-class or at least white-collar middle-class men.

Interesting Facts about Shirts for Men

When it comes to having detailed knowledge on Cotton Shirts for Men Online, many men fail to answer some basic questions. So, let’s have a quick look at some amazing facts about men’s shirts that you possibly don’t know!

1. Shirts Were Pondered Underwear Till the End of the 18th Century

Only shirts’ collars were visible. Today it’s also pondered irrelevant for a gentleman to take off his jacket in case there is a woman in the room — for staying just with the shirt is like wearing underwear. It is extraordinary for attending an event dressed in shirts.

2. French Cuffs Were Not the French’s Invention

Yes, the British invented French cuffs. Furthermore, these cuffs made their way to Europe and became popular as French cuffs.

3. The White Shirt Was the Ultimate Symbol of Superiority till the End of the 19th Century

People who have sufficient money for laundering shirts and adequate pairs for replacing them could afford to wear white shirts. In the late 19th Century, striped shirts became trendy. Colored shirts with cuffs and white collars arose as a compromise when some people suspected that the color was hiding dirt. Presently, the combination of colorful shirts and white collars is preferable.

Men’s shirts have changed a lot in the 21st Century. To buy branded cotton shirts for men, browse an authentic online store.