In the progressive march of the Digital India initiative, governments are increasingly digitizing their services, spanning various sectors. To optimize manpower utilization effectively, several state governments in India are turning to the Human Resource Management Solution known as Manav Sampada.
What is Manav Sampada?
Manav Sampada serves as a comprehensive e-tool for Human Resource Management Solutions (HRMS) across all government departments. Originating from its successful launch in Himachal Pradesh, this project has been replicated in states like Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh, Punjab, Delhi, Assam, and more. Particularly in Uttar Pradesh, Manav Sampada stands out as a remarkably user-friendly HR portal utilized by employees.
Manav Sampada Portal in Uttar Pradesh
The Manav Sampada Uttar Pradesh portal is a pioneering initiative by the Uttar Pradesh government, primarily aimed at benefiting the education sector. This article delves into the intricacies of Manav Sampada UP's basic education features, aiding both teaching and non-teaching staff members in the state. Additionally, we'll explore the process of filling out attendance on the UP Manav Sampada platform.