
Main system version 5.3 GB (operating system + 157 pre-installed applications)

fracplanet - fractal planet generator
kstars - tabletop planetarium, observation planning and telescope control
gpredict - satellite tracking
openuniverse - 3D space simulator
starplot - viewing the starry sky in 3D perspective
sunclock - fancy clock showing time and geographic data
xtide - provides tide and current forecasts
xmakemol - visualization of atomic and molecular systems
kalzium - periodic table and chemistry related tools
chemtool - drawing and calculation of chemical structures
avogadro - molecular design and modeling system
easychem - high-quality images of molecules and 2D chemical formulas
gchempaint - 2D chemical element editor
gdis - tool viewing models of molecules and crystals
gperiodic - periodic table
pymol - molecular graphics system
rasmol - visualization of biological macromolecules
viewmol - graphical interface for computational chemistry
gabedit - graphical interface for Ab Initio packages
step - simulation of physical experiments
planets - gravitational simulator of planets
etoys - multimedia development environment for modeling
numptyphysics - puzzle using the laws of physics to drawn objects
xaos - viewing fractals with a scaling function
xball - simulation of bouncing balls in a window
kgeography - a manual for studying geography
marble - tabletop globe and maps
grass - system for supporting the analysis of geographic resources GIS
qgis - geographic information system (GIS)
viking - editor, analyzer and viewer of GPS data
google-earth - satellite images of the entire earth's surface
gpscorrelate - program for linking digital photos to GPS data
libreoffice-math - writing math and chemical formulas
kalgebra - algebraic calculator graphing
kbruch - fractions tutorial
kig - interactive geometry tool
kmplot - math function builder
tuxmath - math game for developing arithmetic skills in children
cantor - shell for kalgebra, maxima , octave
rocs - integrated development environment for graph theory
algobox - introduction to algorithms
geogebra - visual teaching of geometry
geomview - interactive viewing of geometry
grace - XY graphing tool
graphmonkey - calculator for drawing curves
gretl - library of regression, econometrics and time series
mathomatic - portable computer algebra system (CAS)
qliss3d - a tool for demonstrating Lissajous figures
xmabacus - an imitation of an ancient calculator
kile - an integrated environment for writing LaTeX documents
rkward - an interface to the statistical language R
wxmaxima - a graphical user interface for the Maxima computer algebra system
fritzing - simple electronic design
oregano - tool for schematic capture of electronic circuits
xoscope - digital oscilloscope
electric - computer-aided design (CAD) system for electrical systems
pcb - printed circuit board design/development
qelectrotech - electrical circuit editor
Programming / Development:
libreoffice-base - creating databases and working with them
laby - learning programming using the example of ants and spider networks
arduino - development environment for AVR Arduino CC
bluefish - editor for programmers and web developers
codeblocks - integrated program development environment
colobot - strategy game that teaches programming
gambas - visual development environment in BASIC
geany - small and fast development environment
gnome-builder - development environment for GNOME
idle3 - Python development environment
kdevelop - visual development environment in PHP/C/C++ and other languages
​​lazarus - visual environment developing applications using Free Pascal
thonny - Python development environment for beginners
umbrello - UML modeling with the ability to generate code
ddd - graphical interface for debuggers: GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB and others
drpython - editor/development environment for programs in Python
scratch - simple programming environment for children aged 8 years and above
anjuta - C/C++ integrated development environment for GNOME
kturtle - learning environment for programming
jxplorer - LDAP viewer
tuxpaint - drawing for children
dia - editor of diagrams, graphs, diagrams, etc.
libreoffice-draw - vector graphics editor, as well as graphs, diagrams, etc.
pencil2d - creation of hand-drawn animation using raster and vector graphics
gimp - powerful raster graphics editor
inkscape - powerful vector graphics editor
librecad - computer-aided design (CAD) system
scribus - desktop publishing system
xpaint - a simple drawing program
hugin - create panoramic photographs
tgif - a tool for drawing 2D vector graphics
xfig - interactive drawing creation
vym - a tool for creating mind diagrams
kolourpaint - a simple image editor and drawing application
pinta - a raster graphics editor, an alternative to Paint. NET
blinken - a memory training game
gamine - a game for children from 2 years old who have not yet learned to use a keyboard
gcompris - an educational game for children from 2 to 10 years old
ktuberling - a game for small children with several tasks
ri-li - simulator toy train
einstein - a logic game based on Einstein's puzzle
atomix - a puzzle game for creating molecules from individual atoms
childsplay - a set of educational games for young children
pysiogame - an educational game for children from 3 to 10 years old
pysycache - a children's game for learning to use the mouse
pairs - memory game and pairs
gbrainy - puzzles and exercises for the development of logical thinking
cgoban - Go game
glpeces - Tangram puzzle game
gnugo - Go game
gtans - Tangram puzzle game
lmemory - a game for children from 3 years old for memory development
xboard - graphic chessboard
bambam - keyboard and drawing game for kids
ktouch - touch typing tutor
kwordquiz - flashcard training program
parley - vocabulary trainer
tuxtype - game that teaches typing
klavaro - flexible keyboard trainer
verbiste - declension of French and Italian verbs
kiten - reference and training manual for the Japanese language
wordnet - electronic lexical database data of the English language
kanagram - "mixed word" puzzle
khangman - Hangman puzzle
klettres - learning a foreign alphabet
goldendict - multifunctional search in dictionaries
gnome-dictionary - dictionary using Internet databases
granule - learning new words using flash cards
anki - extensible program for flashcard memory
audacity - sound editor
tuxguitar - multi-track editor and guitar tablature player
lingot - simple and accurate tuner of musical instruments
solfege - musical ear training
terminatorx - real-time sound synthesizer
denemo - graphical music notation editor
nted - score editor
qsynth - interface to MIDI- synthesizer fluidsynth
rosegarden - music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer
kdenlive - non-linear video editor
openshot -
stopmotion video editor - creating stop-motion animation
kino - non-linear DV (Digital Video) data editor
pitivi - non-linear audio/video editor
vokoscreen - easy-to-use screencast creator
vlc - multimedia player and multimedia data translator
jclic - development and use of multimedia educational exercises
basket - a multifunctional note-taking application
caliber - a powerful e-book cataloging manager
gramps - a program for genealogical research
fet - a schedule generator for educational institutions
oracle-java8 - development kit (JDK)
libreoffice - office package (text, tables, presentations)
liferea - RSS feed reader
veyon - computer monitoring and class management
epoptes - computer laboratory management tool
winehq - tool for launching Windows programs
ltsp - terminal server (LTSP5 5.18.12 + LTSP 23.01);
pdfmod - a simple tool for modifying PDF documents
xournal - taking notes, sketching and journaling with a stylus