
ModPlus. Add-on for AutoCAD 2013-2025, Revit 2019-2025 and Renga x64

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czsofts @czsofts · Jun 10, 2024
List of available plugins for AutoCAD with a brief description and video examples:


The list contains plugins included in ModPlus in the order they appear.


1. Centered text - The plugin allows you to create single-line text or align existing text in the middle between two specified points
2. Underline text - The plugin is used to add or remove an underline in single-line text
3. Copy with numbering - Copies selected single-line or multi-line text containing digital value, with the value changing by a given numerical step
YouTube: Nz1gFCEHVMY
4. Splitting single-line text - Splitting single-line horizontal text into several new ones according to a given length. The text can be divided into an indefinite number and into two new texts
5. Formats - Plugin for inserting formats into a drawing according to GOST 2.301-68
YouTube: GkdiX1lFFD4
YouTube: dmZJrzHjR3U
6. Autolayers - The plugin serves to automatically add a layer to created objects
YouTube: 4O-W2UFiRz0
7. Multicopying - Multiple copying of selected primitives with a certain step
YouTube: Imhd-bQIjSc
8. Multiscale - The plugin allows you to scale each of the selected objects relative to themselves
9. ModPlus Standards - Adding layers, dimension style, text style, multileader style
YouTube: cHcYIL4i-uM
10. Attribute rotation angle - The plugin is designed to change the rotation angle of attributes in selected blocks
11. Notes - A plugin for working with frequently used notes
YouTube: Z2BxxhZzvDU
12. Meshes - Selection and calculation of the mass of reinforcing meshes in accordance with regulatory documents
13. Tables - Plugin for inserting AutoCad tables into a drawing in accordance with GOSTs or from a specified file
14. Aligning dimensions - Aligning extension or dimension lines along the specified straight line
15. Stamps - Plugin for inserting into a drawing stamps (in the form of AutoCad tables) according to GOSTs, with support for fields
16. Sum of lengths - Receives and displays the number and sum of lengths of selected segments, polylines, circles, arcs and splines
17. Selection by pattern - The plugin allows you to select objects similar to objects -samples both from all objects in the drawing and from a specific set
18. Manual dimensions - Highlighting, restoring or deleting dimensions with an overridden value
19. Calculator - Is an analogue of a standard calculator, with the ability to obtain data from a drawing, add the result to the drawing and the ability to manually write a formula for calculation
YouTube: JqvJeFRrZBs
20. Regulatory base - Plugin for viewing the regulatory database
21. Reinforcement - Working with reinforcement assortments - obtaining various information and calculations
YouTube: 9CfXSYhrhsM
22. Quick Copy Text - Quickly copies the contents of single-line or multi-line text
23. Clear Scales - Clears the list of annotative scales in selected annotative objects, leaving the current scale
24. Shared Data - Plugin for quickly creating shared data with the ability to get values ​​from a drawing
YouTube: t4teyk8Tukg
YouTube: wPHoYKJgr2E
25. Insert product - Plugin for inserting products from the ModPlus database in the form of blocks containing extended data
YouTube: COBrhTSmSHs
26. Order by layer - The plugin is used to change the drawing order according to layers
YouTube: cPIMPjJ3HdM
27. Templates. Stage P - The plugin allows you to create templates for the text part of the section in accordance with "RF Decree No. 87" with a title page in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2013
YouTube: ZVoohdSrjuk
28. Product position - The plugin adds/removes a position to the selected products and allows you to mark the position
YouTube: z4h6JbE5jRc
29. Products to table - The plugin allows you to fill the specification table with selected ModPlus products
YouTube: wBgV0TEhfH0
30. Breakdown of dimensions - Breakdown of the selected linear dimension into two or more new ones
YouTube: YAR6GkiHFKs
31. Replacing blocks - The plugin allows you to quickly replace blocks in a drawing with a sample block
YouTube: YTohOSkmR3E
32. Polylines - Collection of various plugins for working with polylines
33. Specifications - Plugin for generating and filling out general construction specifications
YouTube: 5-8XMHUA-WE
34. Sheet Manager - Drawing sheet manager displayed in the palette
YouTube: oWl51Q8FAyY
35. Sheet numberer - Plugin for inserting a sheet number in a document and in a volume in ModPlus formats and stamps
YouTube: Ud0m7KfIeGg
36. Database dwg - Database of various blocks and drawings
YouTube: 5LgxVcM9RsM
37. ModPlus ESKD - A collection of plugins that creates intelligent objects for designing drawings according to ESKD standards
38. Clear formatting - Removing specified formatting from multi-line text
39. Multi-rotation - The plugin allows you to rotate each of the selected objects relative to the Z axis with the center of rotation relative to themselves
40. Merge Revit Sheets - Merge Revit exported files into one drawing
YouTube: dwnNA9DM3AU
41. Multimirror - The plugin allows you to mirror each of the selected objects vertically or horizontally relative to themselves
42. Add text - Adding text to a multileader, single-line text, multi-line text, dimensions
List of available plugins for Revit with a brief description and video examples:


The list contains plugins included in ModPlus in the order of their appearance
. Plugins that are paid (or partially paid) are marked in red
1. Sheet duplicator - The plugin allows you to make copies of specified sheets with different settings
YouTube: H5ZZRlkjkvo
2. 3D cropping - Trims selected elements into the view cube, with the ability to set the size of the view cube
YouTube: cy3eEbImjTg
3. Reinforcement as a body - Change the visibility state of the reinforcement (Show uncovered and Show as body) for the selected element
4. Search in tables - Search for tables in the project containing the specified value
5. CAD manager - Manage all insertions of dwg files in the current document
6 External dimensions on the plan - Placing external dimensions on the floor plan
YouTube: 4nkt8TI4-AE
7. Dimensions along the line - Setting dimensions on the plan along the specified line
YouTube: BcMwewG-XFw
8. Dimension offset - Automatic movement of the dimension value falling on the dimension lines
YouTube: OH9jaX821SQ
9. Import from Excel - The plugin allows you to insert a table from Excel into a Revit drawing view
YouTube: azo3RPAGIgE
10. Dimensions on the plan - The plugin allows you to perform various options for measuring elements on the plan
YouTube: PJYmBRlVltw
11. Linking parameters of nested families - The plugin allows you to simplify the work of establishing a link between the parameters of nested families with the parameters of the parent family
YouTube: rwj3wd3J9P4
12. Utilities - Collection of small auxiliary plugins
YouTube: LU0hhW3Y9RE
13. Wall reinforcement - Analysis, grouping and reinforcement according to specified conditions of walls and openings
YouTube: _jFrtiSlOOw
YouTube: KHQvn2ns9Pg
YouTube: u0mJcZuZVy0
YouTube: fYmqwCVd-po
14. Numbering - Adding numbering to the specified element parameter with the possibility of numbering in the specification
YouTube: jVktXpfTXws
15. Cleaning the model - Removing objects of certain categories from the model with the ability to delete unused elements
16. Sheet numberer - The plugin allows you to renumber sheets in the project
YouTube: akkwZi0lWtU
YouTube: kk6WKtFNFo8
17. Fixing Duplicate Families - Automating the Fixing of Duplicate Families
YouTube: PowlrUM7KDk
18. View Crop - Quickly create a view crop by specifying a rectangular crop area
YouTube: HgJkthjg8x0
19. Copy sheets to documents - Batch copy sheets to open documents
YouTube: a_UECPmXnQM
20. Worksets - Manage, create and apply worksets
YouTube: G857Snn19-c
21. Batch renaming in families - Batch renaming of parameter names, type names, parameter values ​​in specified families
YouTube: 9CX0nZIRTTw
22. Copy elements - Batch copy selected elements from the current document to specified open documents
YouTube: olqZmBL0DR4
23. Hatches - Hatch manager with the ability to import, export, edit and create
YouTube: -Mpoa0XEZXE
24. Reinforcement of slabs - Analysis, grouping and reinforcement of slabs according to specified conditions
YouTube: DkexU59RVLs
25. Intersection Traversal - Performs traversal of intersected MEP elements
YouTube: jPiJkhPpF9s
26. Notes - Plugin for working with frequently used notes
YouTube: Fq1thUUKrD4
27. Context filter - Filter elements by parameters, working as a context menu
YouTube: ZP5uSp-b8LM
28. Reinforcement of columns - Analysis, grouping and reinforcement of columns according to specified conditions
YouTube: anYet1wNRAM
29. View filters - Manage view template filters with the ability to copy filters between view templates while maintaining graphics override settings
YouTube: DvqgtJocBuw
30. Combine dimensions - Create a new dimensional chain from selected dimensions lying on the same straight line
YouTube: DvqgtJocBuw
31. Copy parameters - Copying parameter values ​​between elements or within one element
YouTube: V_9gpbYNTfM
32. Reinforcement of beams - Analysis, grouping and reinforcement of beams according to specified conditions
YouTube: OMpdRRVQ9Kg
33. Elevations - Quickly create elevations on sections and elevations
YouTube: 9Ql2dAcjxjs
34. Utilities for working with reinforcement - A collection of small auxiliary plugins for working with reinforcement
YouTube: kpJRJ1zeZ5s
35. Annotating sections - Creating annotations - dimensions, marks, marks - on sections
YouTube: 6g4NWx0jzbw
36. Volume of rooms - Showing the volume of rooms in color using DirectShape
YouTube: e49VOHaADz4
37. Connection of elements - Allows you to control the junction of walls and beams, as well as the connection of elements
YouTube: xcaFAhC43Lw
38. Apartmentography - Comprehensive implementation of apartmentography
YouTube: ldYzbvPRBrE
39. Breakdown of layers - Breakdown of multi-layer walls and slabs into individual elements
YouTube: iBlloDxO1uc
40. Separation of reinforcement - Separation of straight reinforcing bars along the length with various joining options
YouTube: 0Wa20mpICtw
41. Wall developments - Creating wall developments
YouTube: 2iKNYTZ0Kn0
42. Cardinal direction - Analysis of orientation for rooms through windows, doors, stained-glass windows in enclosing walls
YouTube: b0-z1qiS-CQ
43. Coloring elements - Coloring elements in a view according to conditions, as well as creating a template with filters or adding filters to existing views
YouTube: NqKPnoCyLmo
44. Weight of plates - Calculation of the weight of plates with recording of the result in the specified parameter
45. Floor by room - Creation of floors along the contour of the premises
YouTube: 6dBZhU6Fnls
46. ​​Parameterization - Filling element parameters with various strategies
YouTube: TSAzZKBsPNg
47. MEP connections - Collection of plugins for automating connections of engineering systems
YouTube: iq1sRHCyj0U
YouTube: JKsw-YoIwBc
48. Base Level - Changing the base level for elements
YouTube: 9s6RChLiD3Y
49. Synchronization of views - Synchronization of display coordinates of open views
YouTube: x4PteiXGb4c
49. Export sheets - Export (print) selected sheets to PDF, DWG, etc. formats. with automatic sheet format detection
YouTube: 42HVDXZaAbA
YouTube: Yx1o-oxVypc
50. Divide by height - Dividing walls and columns by levels, reference planes or by specified parameters
YouTube: UqPxgSz8A44
51. Export to Excel - Export specifications to Excel
52. Structure to parameter - Transfer the structure of a multi-layer type to a multi-line parameter
53. Sum of parameters - Sum the values ​​of the numerical parameters of the selected elements
54. Show views in 3D - Show the visibility range of views in color in 3D with using DirectShape
YouTube: teQUBVRwSlM
55. Replace font - Replace text properties in specified styles and elements
56. Type manager - Change and compare size parameters
57. MEP rotation - Rotate fittings or parts of an engineering system
YouTube: KHvEzicM3bA
58. Parameters - Batch editing/adding parameters to project and families
YouTube: teQUBVRwSlM
59. Graphics override manager - Manage and view graphics overrides in the current view with the ability to reset overrides for elements
60. MEP alignment - Collection of plugins for aligning MEP curves
YouTube: V1LAd0bFtP4


List of available plugins for Renga with a brief description and video examples:


The list contains plugins included in ModPlus in the order they appear.
Plugins that are paid (or partially paid) are marked in red
1. Filter - Filter selected objects by category
YouTube: ndC-pj8e3-E
2. Batch export of sheets - The plugin allows you to export all specified sheets to dwg/dxf
3. Search by condition - Search for objects by various conditions
YouTube: QC-bGzITI_4
4. Levels - Display a list of levels with the ability to control their visibility
YouTube: ORFFqhCb2XY
5. Quick Properties - Quickly view and edit properties of selected elements
YouTube: OrjauyRLUS8
6. Recent - Track and display recently hidden or recently selected items
YouTube: iBnBqhzYFpc
7. View orientation - Camera orientation in the 3D scene
YouTube: bJ5FUa-9mW0