
Tony Callout (Short Version)

This is a shortened version of a callout I previously hosted on Google Docs. The persons being called out have repeatedly reported it to have it taken down, and the appeals process takes time, so I am rehosting the information here. This shortened version will only be including direct evidence of targeted harassment and doxxing. For the full version that debunks Tony's callouts for Ray, and provides full context to defend both him and Serena, you can view/download it here, here, here, here, or here.


This is a callout for and warning about Tony, who uses the URLs @brashir, @aakwaodeewin, @punknezu, @issdefiant, and @snapshcting on Tumblr. He is a bully and a liar, with a history of harassment, cyberstalking, doxxing, attempted hacking, and more. This warning extends to several members of the It's StarFleet, Bitches! Discord server, including:



We have reported this behavior to the appropriate sites, as well as pursued legal action. But we feel it’s important to share this here as well, so people are aware of the extent of the situation and can make informed decisions to keep themselves safe.


If you have any questions or concerns about this callout, you may direct them to either me or Joel. Lex (Ray’s partner) has also offered to answer questions, and can be reached at lex-oreprocessing@protonmail.com. Serena has requested not to be contacted, for the sake of her mental health — please respect this.


Last but not least, let me be very clear that this is not a call to harassment and we do not condone sending anyone hate over this. This is simply being shared for awareness. My recommendation is to simply block those involved, and to remove any private information you may have shared with them. But ultimately, what you do with this information is up to you.

Targeting Ray

Tony and his fiance, Ray, were both very involved in the Star Trek RPC, sharing a lot of friends and servers. The two were having difficulties in their relationship and even took a short break in June and July 2019, at Ray’s request. In August, Ray and Lex (their girlfriend) went to visit Tony in person, but left after less than a day when they felt uncomfortable with him in person. This marked the end of their relationship.


Since the breakup, Ray has pulled away from the Star Trek RPC and actively made an effort to avoid appearing on Tony's dash. Yet Tony keeps finding him regardless He has received dozens of anonymous messages, ranging from passive aggressive comments to outright bullying. Some appear to be genuine correction and worded politely, but any time Ray decided to cave in and answer one, further harassment would follow.















Tony also demanded money that he feels Ray owes him to repay lost wages from time taken off work. Ray does not owe him this money.






The mentioned Venmo actually does exist, under the name Anthony with a picture of what is clearly Tony's dog, Dante.




Whenever anon was turned off, Tony and his friends would switch to burner blogs to keep the harassment going.


Anons were sent to Ray’s friends as well, encouraging them to drop him immediately.


The most recent of these is from September 2020, over a year after their breakup.



Tony has also been using Ray’s email to sign him up for various subscriptions and services, resulting in a deluge of spam mail. He’s even given Ray’s information to friends so they can do the same. (In the first screencap, I’ve covered the name of Ray’s workplace — note that this is them casually talking about doxxing him and getting him in trouble at work.)







Ray has received countless spam emails, and was forced to abandon that email address entirely due to the deluge.











(Please note the password in the above screencap is “getshitonray”.)


A lot of this spam mail is extremely targeted and intentionally meant to trigger Ray.


Tony has also attempted to log into several of Ray’s social media and other accounts. In a few instances he nearly succeeded.








As you can see, this behavior goes far beyond a bad breakup. Tony has been actively harassing and cyberstalking Ray. And none of this has stopped. Despite the fact Ray has made no efforts to contact or otherwise interact with Tony, he is still receiving anons, spam mail, and suspicious account activity alerts. He is struggling to maintain any sort of online presence due to Tony’s constant harassment.

Targeting Serena

Serena has always been upfront about her decision to remain friends with both Ray and Tony, from as soon as they broke up. Tony clearly and indisputably told her this was okay and he did not hold this against her multiple times. He told her that he still loved her, that the RPC loved her, that no one was upset with her, over and over and over.


Eventually, in May 2020, Tony unfollowed and unfriended Serena, without a word. In June, she was removed from the server. A friend contacted her about what had happened, and Serena was very upfront with them about it. Again, she was told everything was okay. But this friend shared her messages with Tony behind her back, prompting him to lash out at her and attack her for things he'd previously told her were perfectly fine.


In mid September, a friend of ours still in their server gave us a warning that Serena's phone number had been released to the group.




Tony and others then signed Serena’s number up for various spam texts, mostly Trump/Republican propaganda. Tony also shared the number with another server, with people unconnected to any of this, so they could do the same, and one of them sent her explicit imagery. Here are caps from that conversation. (I have blocked Serena’s full number.)











Serena did receive these texts.





I’ve blurred an image out of an above screencap, as it’s highly NSFW and I do not wish to be in violation of any terms of service. The caps of the doxxing conversation in the server do mention that someone sent her goatse.


After this, Joel submitted a report to Discord for them to investigate, as doxxing with intent to harass is both illegal and against Discord’s terms of service. This is also when we began to look into legal action.


A few days later, Joel received word that Discord was investigating. Around the same time, Monty was locked out of their Discord account. Unfortunately this tipped the group off to the fact that someone was sending us screencaps, and it didn’t take them long to determine who it was; they were kicked from the server. Streamy then found a Tumblr account which Serena had forgotten to block her on and sent her caps from the server, to make sure she knew everyone was still being cruel to her.








Serena responded to tell Streamy — and the rest of the group, since I am quite sure this has since been posted to the server — to respectfully leave her alone.






Later that evening, Serena received another text.




The YouTube link opens to this video of someone having a penile injection. (An explicit recommended video has been blurred.)




Serena is asexual and is vocally uncomfortable with medical situations, which makes this choice of video seem extremely targeted. Much like Ray, Serena has entirely left Tony and everyone else alone since their falling out, yet she is still being harassed.

Targeting Me

After Tony’s ostracization of Serena, I realized that I knew of a few server members’ Twitter accounts, so I went through and blocked as many as I could find. I used the following lists of the accounts I did know of to find the others that I did not, which required a little bit of digging. But as you’ll see from their response, I think my caution was more than justified.


Tony found my Twitter — presumably the same way I’d found his since I’d never shared it with him — and noticed he was blocked. One of his friends then used an alt to view my account, and when they saw my pinned post announcing a Warriors server that I run, they decided to make a fake Discord account to try and sneak in.


I felt that something was fishy about the user when they joined — they were brand new, with no icon and a username that felt oddly familiar. Considering the timing, I wasn’t sure to trust it, and soon after, I received confirmation from our friend in the server that this was the case.




The friend then sent these screencaps from the server to confirm it.








Here is that user's Discord information — note the same icon, and that their status mentions bee movie speedrunning.




And here is the user that joined my server. It’s set up so new members have to introduce themselves and be verified by a moderator before they can view most of the channels, to ensure rules have been read and to prevent spam. This meant they couldn’t do much of anything for the short time they were there.





I kicked them soon after and warned the other server mods what was happening. I’ve also since changed my Twitter handle and unpinned the link to the server. So far, they haven’t tried again. I’m not entirely sure what they meant to accomplish, but considering they got around my Twitter block, then made an entirely new Discord account to do this, I’m sure it wasn’t good.