The couple was sitting in front of me, the husband almost on the verge of nervous break down and the wife ready to punce of him at any stage.
In her last visit the parents of the couple had joined in too.
All to know the sperm count of the husband!!
As perhaps anticipated the sperm count was low, almost leading to IVF treatment.
As the nature of the treatment is, even though the sperm count is low in IVF treatment it is the wife who has to take injections for 10-12 days and undergo anaesthesia to receive eggs so that the embryologist can inject each egg with one sperm.
That makes the already upset husband more guilty in his mind.
But the domination in the mind of wife and the ‘all this is because of YOU!’ is so strong that the normal conversation and relation is also severely affected and so gets affected the sex life. Which further affects the moods and the sperm counts.
To avoid all this let’s be mindful of other partner’s emotions and inabilities. Don’t get the entire family involved in personal life of the couple.
Sperm counts fluctuate. They may be affected by BP, diabetes, infections and stress. But there are various treatment options available.
Breathe a sigh and try to stick to a routine normal life. Things do fall in place!