
[WEBSITE/GAME IS EXPUNGED] K - 132 (Danielch1234)

(I am currently trying to get a picture of the actual thing, to currently get a better idea about how K - 132 looks  you will have to either see my RP, character while I am role playing or be in my RP on [DATA REDACTED].)


Number: K - 132

Object Class: Inconsistant

Special Containment Procedures: 132 Is to be contained in a room with walls that must be 1 Foot thick. Because of how little is known about K - 132, He is to be monitored r̶e̶g̶u̶l̶a̶r̶l̶y̶  night and day. The room is to be 30 Feet by 30 Feet, To ensure 132 can not break out of his cell. Personnel are only to enter to replace any broken devices. All Personnel except class D subjects must keep 1̶8̶  15 Feet away from 132, if closer, security is to be called. If K - 132 breaches the third blast door, there is an electric device that is to be activated. If something goes wrong, or suspicious activity can be noticed, Any personnel over ranking of SCAN Unit 4 can press the electric button. If Level 04 OR Any Classes or Levels below the allowed privileges of Level 04, are found or noticed to be activating the electric device (does not apply during any containment breach including 132) they are to be either executed or demoted depending on the severity of the event. IF Class D subjects are found with the button OR pressing the button, they are to be quickly executed. Interviews or attempts of continuous interaction are to be accepted by a 05 or higher.

Description:132 was calculated to be about 270 centimeters tall by [DATA EXPUNGED]. 132 is a Black humanoid figure. He has Tentacles that can extend in and out, That are extremely bendable and strong. It is unknown how many tentacles 132 has. His tentacles seem to be very sharp and pointy at the ends. They do not branch off like in the picture below. (See Egypt Hieroglyphics) 132's material is also unknown.

132 brain capacity and how smart 132 is i̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶u̶n̶k̶n̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶l̶l̶ is mostly unknown, but he seems to be Very intelligent due to recent reports. He also seems to know how stupid people are, and how intelligent they are. He is also about 2̶0̶%̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶█̶█̶█̶   5% the speed of K - ███, and adding that he is hostile concludes that he is very dangerous. He can usually reach a being from 8 feet away, which adds up on how fast and strong he is.

Very little is known about 132. He is very hostile, strong, and fast. Once he is fully understood, he is to be marked Keter. The rest of the additional information is that he seems to resemble a myth in Egypt. The modern term for this myth, today, is called "Slenderman", but the visuals seem very different from what modern people thought he looked like. This drawing must have been blurred and/or faded to show such difference. He has fangs, he is black, has tentacles that bend, and does not much resemble a humanoid like what people think Slenderman looks like. But according to Site [DATA REDACTED], there seems to be a humanoid already claimed "Slenderman", which now makes it very confusing. Visuals of the Egyptian hieroglyphics can be seen here:




                               ALL PREVIOUS FILES OF K - 132 BEFORE AUGUST 13 2015 IS HIGHLY CLASSIFIED. BELOW MOSTLY                                                                                       CONSISTS OF BLUE FOUNDATION RESEARCH LOGS.


Research logs:




[DATA REDACTED]: Hello, 132. How are you?

 K - 132 growls in return.

[DATA REDACTED]: You hate being caged don't you? I know the feeling, I'm an SCP sympathist.

K - 132 raises his tentacles, threatening the interviewer.

[DATA REDACTED]: You're not a bad guy, You're just lonely.

ZS - AD304 : Oh god.. This won't end up well.

[DATA REDACTED]: I also know that feeling of hate for the foundation.

K - 132 Throws him across the room in anger.


[DATA REDACTED] had made it out alive, but had broken his leg in the proccess.
