
By now you have probably read about the case of Veronica Bolina, the transvestite who was beaten, tortured, humiliated and reduced to less than a wild animal within a government institution that, in its original purpose, should serve as rehabilitation for lawbreakers. Even the incident being very recent, I've read several sensationalist reports missing the point of the discussion only to impact a larger amount of readers and, honestly, I was disgusted to read them. Veronica was not attacked for being black; Veronica was not tortured by being a detainee; Veronica was humiliated just because her lifestyle goes against what is socially acceptable to the majority of the population in Brazil. Do not go thinking that we should go running with our torches after the prison system or the police officers who allowed such barbarism, no. The problem, the root of the problem is the misconception that gays, transvestites and all of them are a freak of nature and that it is up to those who do not accept them, to correct them.
While the US population suffers from a heroyism syndrom, we here in Brazil deal with a more quizzical version of the same, the vigilantism syndrome. There were many times I've heard someone say "I hope they rape him in jail" - directing the phrase to any political prisoner - or "If I saw him in the street, i would punch the crap outta him" - directing it to anyone who committed a serious crime . - The Brazilian people, surrounded by constant injustices and so many offenders who can get away with it just because they have power in the political sphere, took justice into their own hands; after all, if the law do not work, how can they live in a righteous society? Lynchings, beatings and cases like that of Veronica are becoming more frequent day by day and unfortunately, are being justified with the ridiculous argument of "he/she deserved it."
No, friend. The police are not composed of alienated pigs whose only goal in life is to oppress and harm those who go cross them, despite the media always painting them as such. The police are only a reflection of the worst features of our society: oppression, impunity, intolerancia, corruption and violence. While the default behavior of the majority is like that, while we remain powerless over so many indignities, NOTHING will change. Ridiculous and unacceptable cases like Veronica's will continue to happen day after day and 99% of the time will not be disclosed as this was. It is no use pretending that the motivation of this particular assault was moved ONLY by intolerance to homosexuals, because the problem has many layers before that.
Here, a more complete text, not as sensational. I recommend reading: http://www.pragmatismopolitico.com.br/2015/04/as-suspeitas-e-manipulacoes-no-caso-veronica-bolina.htm