
Do Not Fret For A Kids Hearing Test In Sydney Any More. You Can Avail One Right Here

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hearingaidssydney @hearingaidsnsw · Feb 16, 2021 · edited: Mar 29, 2021

Your search for a ‘hearing test for kids near me’ ends here!


It is painful to see your child struggle to hear. 


They do not know what has suddenly happened and why the world has seemed to turn off. It can cause them to worry and even cause them psychological stress. 


I will narrate my own personal experience. 

Why I was looking for a hearing test for kids near me


I had never really heard of a hearing test for kids in Sydney. But first, let me tell you why I needed it. 


While pregnant, I had an infection. It was not anything serious but you know with pregnancy everything gets much more hyped up. 


The infection caused a fever for a few days which went away with antibiotics and I felt just fine. 


Cut to the part where my baby was born. 



For the first few months, we did not notice anything wrong but then started to pick up on the tell-tale signs, such as:


  • My baby was not even startled by loud sounds.
  • There were instances when he seemed to hear some sounds but not others. 
  • Sometimes I would walk into the room and he would look at me, but if I called out his name, he would not turn to look. 


I found these signs surprising and being the panicky mother I am, I looked out for places near me that had a hearing test for children.


Hearing Aids’ Professionals popped up in the results and after hours of obsessive researching, it seemed a place that knew their stuff. 

I got a hearing test for kids in the Sydney clinic and it was very reassuring


As a mother, panic comes naturally to us. A million questions:


What if my child will never be able to hear?

What if there is a serious problem?

What if it comes in the way of his childhood?

How will I explain to him why he isn’t like the rest?


These were the thoughts that were going through my mind when I visited the Hearing Aids’ Professionals clinic for the kids hearing test in Sydney

Here is what happened at the hearing test for children at Hearing Aids’ Professionals


The test was smooth. And so was the entire process. I will describe it in detail for you. 


  • The audiometrist was great with my baby. Kids are always so scared looking at all the big equipment around. But the team was very sweet and supportive. 
  • The audiometrist examined the ear canal to check for any issues there. 
  • Next, he applied a slight pressure on the eardrum to check for its response. 
  • Finally, there was a test where my baby was subjected to different sounds and their frequencies to see how he responds. 


After the set of tests, I was told that my baby simply had a fluid buildup due to the infection I had had during pregnancy. This was causing the hearing distress and it could be drained. 


The relief.


I cannot explain. 


I was put at ease just to think that my baby was fine. 


That is my story. Little baby Nathan is now perfectly okay. 


This is my advice to all the mothers out there. If you find something wrong, do not sleep over it. It’s better to get it out of your head. 


Should your baby be showing signs of hearing distress and if you are on the lookout for a ‘children’s hearing test near me’, I hope this piece finds you and that you get the answer you are looking for. 


Thank you for Hearing Aids’ Professionals.