
Director Millie Loredo gears up for the premiere of Sorrow NEXT MONTH!

In the new Digital Age, there are so many different ways art can be distributed. Writer and director Millie Loredo has conjured up a tour of Sorrow screenings the old-fashioned way in six theaters in five different states, but she has also acquired deals with online streaming services.

Loredo poured her heart entirety into not just the examination to make a film she is enthusiastic about additionally the raising support for generation and also conveyance.

Director Millie Loredo, left, and producer Dillon Bowen asking horror movie fans to donate to the Sorrow Kickstarter and IndieGogo campaigns to fund the film via YouTube in 2012. 


Like all film buffs, Loredo believes in the visceral experience of stepping foot into a theater and smelling the popcorn as you walk to your seat, but exploring the new frontier of the digital age process of online streaming has proved fruitful for her indie horror film.

 "There is greater production of movies, and not only a greater volume but also a wider variety and level of quality than we ever would have imagined a few years ago," she said. "They are being launched into the market from an increasing number of video platforms, and while this restructuring of the market presents greater possibilities for an indie film, it also poses a challenge: you may not be able to find your audience and run the risk of getting lost among the multitude of competing and varied content that may be appealing to the same viewers." 

Loredo added that theatrical releases may gain recognition for films, but the real reward for an indie film comes from video streaming from the ever-growing community of video platforms on a multitude of viewing devices. If interested, an audience may see your film once. If they like it enough, they may see it again. They can do so by streaming the film repeatedly on platforms such as Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime. 

"Twice as many viewers watch Hulu than the five major TV networks combined," Loredo said. "There was a total of 38 million people who watched Hulu at least once in the past year alone." 

Only 23 days remain until the premiere of Sorrow at the River Oaks Theatre at 2009 West Gray St. on Tuesday, April 21! Loredo and Vasquez will then travel to Utah, Georgia, North Carolina and New York to screen the film in select theaters. It will also be available that day for delivery online and by DVD, on Amazon.com, and thereafter by the Hulu Network and other video platforms.