
What You Need To Know About Judo Uniforms

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Hridoy Ahmed @hridoyahmed · Nov 16, 2021



Self-defense is very important to everyone and today we are looking for different possibilities to learn more about it. Judo is one of the most practiced sports and it teaches you various self-defense techniques. Judo uniforms are a fundamental part because it is a basic requirement to be able to practice the sport. They cover three parts: pants, jacket and belt, and all three are very important. You should be aware of the fact that a dirty and wrinkled uniform is not acceptable. The International Judo Federation describes this aspect very clearly, so your uniform must be clean, must not smell bad, or not be dry. This aspect says a lot about how disciplined you are, which is very important in judo.


We become fond of different cultures' views on self-defense and strangely enough, sometimes we like to change our lifestyle and start a new hobby which is also very useful. Judo is not simply a hobby, but a character-building sport. Therefore, its impact on your personality will be noticed.


Japanese martial arts are very popular, and if you like culture, sports, and discipline, then you can easily start practicing a sport like a judo that will help you be more flexible and may also save your life one day. Judo uniforms require special care and have certain rules of use. Judo uniform and pants are mandators. Also known as "jumbo", they must be long enough to cover your legs. However, its length should be 5 centimeters above the ankle joint. Before you put on your pants, take a good look at what type of underwear you are wearing. Full coverage is preferable, even if you don't feel as comfortable, but it is essential during training. If you are a woman, you should be aware that it is mandatory to wear a white shirt underneath. This is for your good, and it is also recommended for men because after sweating a lot, you will prefer to wash the shirts more often than the uniform.


The jackets of judo uniforms are known as "kimono" and the sleeves must stretch at least 5 centimeters above the wrist. The left side should always be folded over the right side. The last piece of the uniform is the belt, which has great meaning because it represents your judo rank. The ends of the belt should be tied with a square knot and should go around your waist.


Judo uniforms are white or blue. You will often notice in a competition that one of the competitors wears a blue uniform and the other a white one. "Judogi" is the formal Japanese name for such a uniform and its appearance says a lot about your personality.