

JollyHires Inc.

Job hunting can be a true nightmare sometimes. Especially when you are not aware about how to start or maybe from where. It becomes tiresome to search for the best job search portals or free job alerts to make your process smooth. Whether it be a fresher or an experienced applicant everybody faces a little sweat when it comes to starting your job search journey.


Hands down to all those who remember surfing hundreds of job apps online in a day, browsing through various job openings, specifically finding “jobs near me” so that you don’t have to commute long and restlessly applying the same document file and refilling the answers for the questions asked and still not giving up on the lengthy sign-up process.


I can almost hear you thinking, “SHEESH, that’s so true”. Here's something we can both agree on “Just because some things are hard does not mean you can’t do it”. The slippery slope of job hunting can prove to be the fastest lane to your dream job if turned upside down.


All of it calls for using the right things in demand and experiencing a whole new journey of job hunting in a jolly manner. Watching “HOW TO GET YOUR DREAM JOB” videos won’t help you land the job as that’s how the real world works like, Perhaps, we can bring you a step closer to your dream job and ease the journey to its fullest.


There are several pain points faced by the candidate while applying for jobs. The most dreaded of them being, not able to find “jobs near me”, “Travelling continuously for back-to-back interviews” or its cousins in similar vein like, “Often missing out the latest updates on the scheduled interview and keeping a track of them” or “Not being able to fit everything in a single sheet of resume” and we can go on counting till the end.


What if I say, we have exactly what you look for and bring only those jobs in India that stand on the top shelf of your preference card. Yes, you guessed it. A NEW way, a NEW journey, a NEW experience with a NEW job search app. #JOLLYHIRES it is.


Let us pour some light on how Jolly hires; the ultimate job search app addresses job hunting’s “Achilles heel”.


01 SAY NO TO LONG COMMUTES: Ditch the hectic and tedious commutes to your workplace, especially when they are constantly filled with traffic and congestion. By using the “GEO-LOCATION” feature of Jolly hires, you can easily find the best “jobs near me”.

All you need to do is insert your area’s pin code/zip code and set your preferences for the job. Your screens will be flashed with the latest job openings in your selected range of distance.


02 EXPRESS YOURSELF BETTER: There is so much to write about, but not enough space to add onto. Indeed, we have encountered similar issues in the past while drafting our resumes. Jolly Hires offers the perfect job search platform to create your own 360-degree Digital Resume. Add a video introduction and you have walking talking ability to showcase your strengths within 30 seconds. The “VIDEO RESUME” feature and video endorsements features are truly special. 

With a video resume, you will be able to express yourself more effectively, increasing your chances of getting hired. You can showcase your confidence and leverage the soft skills you have by speaking your way out.


03 SEARCH SMART: "SMART SEARCH, SMART FILTERS" have successfully garnered their way to the top of the feature list. Smart search filters allow candidates to specify what type of jobs they are looking for, such as the number of working days, the salary range, years of experience and many more.

The applicants will therefore see only the jobs that meet their needs best and won't have to waste their time reading irrelevant job descriptions that come along their way.


Isn’t it cool that you can select the location of your job, compare whether the job matches your preferences or not, showcase your skills with video resume and impress the recruiters with your confidence?


As much as we hate to brag, we cannot stop on the list of advantages and exclusive features of JollyHires app, so we suggest you have a look at them and experience it yourself.


To witness the change and experience the new way of job search, visit www.jollyhires.com
