Most Mutual Fund Distributors have investors who invest through various platforms, including other ARNs and direct mutual fund platforms. These investments, commonly referred to as "heldaway portfolios," are investments made outside the MFD’s ARN. Traditionally, MFDs had no access to these details, making it difficult to provide holistic financial advice.
However, with the help of advanced mutual fund software in India, MFDs can now access and analyze heldaway portfolios. This technology empowers MFDs to get a consolidated view of their investors' entire investment landscape, even if some investments are made through different platforms.
How Does It Help MFDs?
Access to heldaway portfolios enables MFDs to offer better financial planning and investment advice. Instead of working with fragmented data, MFDs can now see the entire investment picture, helping them provide more accurate recommendations. This comprehensive view also fosters stronger client relationships, as investors prefer working with professionals who understand their complete financial journey.
Features That Enable MFDs to View Heldaway Portfolios
REDVision Technologies offers Mutual Fund Software for IFA provides specialized features that allow MFDs to consolidate heldaway investments. Some key features include:
1. Quick Reports for Portfolio Analysis
MFDs can generate quick reports that help them analyze an investor’s entire portfolio. These reports integrate:
● CAS (Consolidated Account Statement) Reports – These reports provide an overview of all mutual fund investments across platforms, ensuring MFDs have complete visibility.
● NJ Portfolio Reports – This feature helps MFDs track investments made through NJ Wealth, one of the known platforms for mutual fund investments in India.
2. Portfolio Consolidation for Holistic Advisory
With back office software, MFDs can consolidate data from different ARNs and platforms, offering a single dashboard view of an investor’s financial holdings.
Key Benefits of Viewing Heldaway Portfolios
1. Better Investment Recommendations
With access to heldaway portfolios, MFDs can make more informed investment decisions for their clients. They can identify underperforming funds, suggest diversification strategies, and recommend asset allocation adjustments.
2. Stronger Client Relationships
Investors appreciate MFDs who understand their complete investment landscape. By consolidating heldaway portfolios, MFDs can provide a more personalized and holistic advisory service, leading to stronger and long-term client relationships.
3. Enhanced Portfolio Rebalancing
Without full visibility, MFDs might unknowingly recommend investments that overlap with an investor’s existing portfolio. Viewing held away investments helps prevent redundancy and ensures a well-balanced investment strategy.
4. Increased Revenue Opportunities
By gaining insights into held away portfolios, MFDs can suggest better alternatives and introduce investment options that align with their clients’ financial goals. This not only helps investors but also increases business opportunities for MFDs.
5. Improved Investor Retention
Investors are more likely to stay with MFDs that provide comprehensive investment management. When MFDs track all investments, including those made outside their ARN, investors feel more secure in their financial decisions.
Heldaway portfolios have long been a challenge for MFDs, limiting their ability to offer complete financial guidance. However, with advanced software, MFDs can now access consolidated reports that provide a holistic view of investors’ financial holdings.