
5+ Tips to Improve Your JavaScript Coding Skills

JavaScript often abbreviated JS is a high-level, multi-paradigm, and Just-in-time compiled programming language. It is one of the core technologies used along with HTML and CSS in the World Wide Web. Mostly, JS is used for making web pages more interactive, which makes it a vital part of developing web applications.


Often it is considered similar to Java programming language and even their syntax and respective standard libraries are similar, however, the two languages differ greatly from each other. Thanks to being a multi-paradigm language, JS supports imperative, functional, and event-driven programming styles. It comes with APIs to work around texts, dates, standard data structure, regular expression, and Document Object Model (DOM).


Developed in 1995, today, JS is used for client side page behavior by most of the websites. Moreover, all major browsers today come with a dedicated JS execution engine. Today, the master JavaScript developers are in great demand to create the responsive web pages. And to help beginners to master JS, we have come up with a guide that helps improve your JavaScript coding skills.


5+ Tips To Improve JavaScript Coding Skills

JavaScript is one of the popular and sought-after skills in web development. Most graduates and about to be graduates are working hard to improve their JS skills. And with this article, we want to present a few useful tips to improve your JavaScript coding skills. So, without further ado, let’s get started.


1. Learn & Practice The Basics More Thoroughly

One good advice any beginner gets is to learn and practice the basics of JS more thoroughly. This may seem a naïve concept hearing at first, however, sometimes it just so happens that we keep forgetting built-in functions while applying logic with coding.


While running a JS code, you may get some errors due to which some functionalities might stop working. Even a small colon or inverted comma may be responsible for such errors. And not understanding the basics thoroughly at the start makes it hard to resolve such issues.


For instance, loops are a basic thing and used multiple times in a single program. Not learning & practicing looping and other basics properly, it would be hard for anyone to code properly structured JS. Moreover, it reduces your chances of getting hired by a company. Thus, ‘tis very important to brush up your JavaScript basics and make it the strong point that helps you build a program with complex logic with ease.


2. The Internet Is Always Here To Help

The internet is a wonderful place that helps not only beginners but also the JS experts to improve their coding skills. There are an abundant amount of massive open online courses or MOOCs that coders, new or old, can utilize to learn something new about their favorite technology.


MOOCs are a handy tool to learn JS and that too from top professors of top universities around the world. You can learn the whole scripting language from scratch and even learn only the advanced JavaScript coding methods. And once you feel acquainted with the basics, you can go and explore the deeper functions and capabilities of the language.


Such online courses help you learn the language by providing assignments and quizzes that help you keep up with improving your JavaScript skills.


3. Make Use Of Functions Even The Small Ones To Define Various Modules

The functional way of programming is one of the great approaches because it divides your program into various modules that work collectively but are still apart. For instance, there is a function to calculate the Root Mean Square of the number. To get the final answer, you first need to square the numbers, then take their mean, and at last take their square root of the mean. It takes 3 steps meaning you need to use 3 functions.


All these functions are interlinked with each other and the output of one step goes to another to provide the correct answer. But let’s suppose, you use only one function to get the answer instead of 3. The answer will be incorrect in this case and will be hard to determine why it’s wrong. Thus, having multiple functions even the small ones to define various modules could help you get the right answer instead of using just one.


4. Keep In Mind The Cross-Browser Compatibility

Many times, cross-browser compatibility creates an issue in web development projects. Cross-browser compatibility means the representation of your website in different web browsers is correct or not. Different websites use different JS codes and web browsers render such JS files differently which leads to the cross-browser compatibility issue.


To resolve such issues, what a JavaScript developer should do is check the compatibility of a website using browser compatibility testing tools. Such tools take your headache of checking websites on different browsers and versions manually as they can do it for you. Cross-browser compatibility is essential for JS developers to keep their websites responsive across browsers.


5. Use Object-Oriented Approach

It is one of the popular approaches most developers use today. Most programming languages are invented using the object-oriented approach and JavaScript is no exception. An object act as a base for a programmer to do everything and apply properties and functions as well. The conventional approach is to write code from start to end without using objects or functions, which is an exhaustive process and never recommended one.


As discussed earlier, you must use the functional approach for writing codes. And if you are using functions, then you are using objects too. So, being a JS developer, you must practice writing your codes using an object-oriented approach and not an exhaustive way. Practicing such an approach will help you become the coding maestro of JavaScript.


6. Perform Tests For Near Perfect Code

Performing various tests to check the code is correct or not is as important as developing the program. A developer may never know if the code they are writing is correct or not without performing various tests. Testing helps you with finding bugs that you are not able to check while the web page is in development.


JavaScript is used for making web pages more responsive while users interact with them. A user may input many things in your JavaScript enabled forms. And tests for when users enter numbers or text on form field will help you write more efficient codes. Moreover, you’ll be able to develop a great website and excel in your JavaScript development skills.


7. Error Handling

Normally, there will be many errors when you are working on a big project and it is quite common to have errors. Humans and the codes they write are prone to errors. Furthermore, errors open new doors of possibility that you might have never thought of before. However, these errors must be handled in a correct way, otherwise they will ruin the flow of your coding program.


The conventional console.log error log method is an extensive and time-consuming process. To handle errors more effortlessly, use Error Object. It gives you the power to display the error message as well. Also, you can use try, catch, and execute validation on your program. For instance, an error in the code is found in a try block, so what you can do is jump to catch block to either execute the error code or display the error message.


Wrapping Up

Anyone can call themselves a JavaScript developer but not the JavaScript Master. Mastering JS is a little difficult task than commonly perceived. Only knowing the concepts of JS is not enough, you also need to practice such concepts by writing programs. And to help you with that, we have come up with 5+ tips to improve your JavaScript coding skills which you can use while practicing.

Want an expert JavaScript Developer to work on your project? JNext Technologies has an apt team of JS developers that can help you enable your website with responsiveness to enhance the user experience of your visitors. Contact us now to kickstart your web development project.