
IVF Predictions: Harnessing Astrology for Successful Conception

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@anonymous · Jul 27, 2024 · edited: Jul 29, 2024

IVF Predictions: Harnessing Astrology for Successful Conception

IVF is a revolutionary alternative aimed at childless couples that are infertile due to so many reasons. When all infertility treatments have failed, IVF is the only glowing ray of hope. With IVF you can time your baby’s arrival when you are ready financially and psychologically to welcome it. Genetic screening done before IVF on the foetuses ensure the birth of healthy babies.





IVF Predictions:  Harnessing Astrology for Successful Conception

If used with the astrological tools, the chances of accidental mishaps can certainly be averted. Using astrology for successful IVF conception is highly recommended.

Right time for IVF as per birth chart

The same factors that decide the normal course of fertility and conception apply to the IVF conception scenario. The timing for regular conception is the same as the timing chalked out for IVF conception. An able astrologer will check planets like Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon, and the fifth house, dashas and Yogas thoroughly for indications of problems or good luck with respect to fertility. 

Astrological guidance acts as a complementary tool along side the medical guidance and enhances the luck factor in your fertility quest. Right time for IVF as per birth chart has to be analysed and foretold.

Children conceived during new moon, are mentally strong.  The waxing moon babies will be fit and healthy. Full moon babies will be caring and excessively attached to mothers. Waning moon babies will have an individualistic streak and are easily adaptable.

Ketu placed in the Nakshatra at the time of IVF conception results in miscarriages. Rahu in this Nakshatra shows that an ancestor will be born again in the family. Saturn in the same nakshatra implies the birth of a weak child. Jupiter’s aspect on the moon assures the successful birth of a healthy child through IVF.

If Jupiter or moon is in fifth, it indicates easy and trouble-free delivery. Presence of malefic planets in the fifth and afflicted Venus will cause difficulties in birthing, even miscarriages. The timing of child birth can also be indicated by the transits of planets through the 5th house.

When is the best time in my horoscope to conceive a baby boy

Having a baby boy is a matter of happiness for parents due to their own reasons. Saturn in ascendant and odd houses, indicates sons. If fifth lord is placed in a male constellation (Aswini to Mrigasira and from Moola to Revati), it is going to be a male child. If the 5th lord’s star lord is male, the child will be male. If the Moon mars and Venus are in Gemini and Sagittarius and have Mercury aspecting them, male twins will be born. So if you ask when is the best time in my horoscope to conceive a baby boy, your question is answered here.

Will I ever have kids

Will I ever have kids is a question that bothers all women at some point in time.  To know about this, you need to know if you have fertility Yogas and if so, the timings for conception to make childbirth a successful activity. Fertility is high when Moon is in CancerScorpio and Pisces.  It is just at normal level when it is in Libra, Taurus and Capricorn and at its lowest when he Is In Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This is generally speaking.

Venus in the fifth house of your horoscope indicates daughters whereas Mars can indicate sons. Saturn in the fifth restricts child bearing yoga.

Secondarily fertility is decided by fourth house the eighth house, and eleventh house, and seventh house as well. But it is the fifth house that is most importantly considered. If fifth house and its lord are strongly placed, right from conception to gestation the pregnancy will be uneventful or without issues.

For smooth child birth and good kids, your Jupiter needs to be well placed without malefic influences. If he is weakly placed, having a child becomes difficult. Also, ninth house lord should not be afflicted.


Similarly, there are fertile (Venus, Jupiter), semi fertile (Mercury), virile (Sun and Mars), and non-fertile (Saturn) planets that decide the incidence of child birth without hassles. 

Child astrology

Child Astrology gives inkling into the characteristic attributes of a child through the stars, signs and the birth chart.  So, by knowing the type and intellect of the child parents can devise ways how to bring up the child and make them successful. As each child’s horoscope is different the personality at all levels is represented in a child’s horoscope. Children are born different based on their ascendant, the moon sign, the planetary strength and positions.


Astrological consultation for child related issue

Astrological consultations for childbirth  are held both on offline and online mode. Firstly, your birth details are collected in your first call with the astrologer and a convenient day for consultation is fixed. He will create and compare the divisional charts to reveal your problem and remedies later. After about a week, he will hold the final session wherein he will tell you how and when the problems will be resolved. He will in detail inform you about pregnancy and, precautionary measures. 

Read more also: Mumbai Astrologer

Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.

Source :- https://mumbaiastro.in/blog/ivf-predictions-astrology-for-successful-conception/