Beyond battling the illness, one of the main worries after receiving a cancer diagnosis is potential infertility. The study of oncofertility enters the picture here. A specialized branch of medicine called oncofertility connects oncology and reproductive science. Before beginning cancer treatments, it seeks to provide patients with options to protect their fertility.
Cancer treatment effects on fertility
Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and some types of surgery can all have detrimental consequences on reproductive health. Chemotherapy medications can harm the ovaries or sperm production, particularly those classified as alkylating agents. Surgery involving reproductive organs can have even more potent effects than radiation therapy around the pelvic area, which might reduce fertility. Patients who wish to have children in the future should be aware of these dangers.
Women’s options for maintaining their fertility
Women can preserve their fertility in a number of ways.
The most popular technique for preserving unfertilized eggs for later use is egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation.
Similar to egg freezing, embryo freezing creates storeable embryos by fertilizing eggs with sperm before freezing.
A bit of ovarian tissue is taken out, frozen, and then re-implanted following treatment in an experimental process known as “ovarian tissue freezing.”
Ovarian suppression: To assist shield the ovaries during chemotherapy, drugs such as GnRH agonists may be utilized.
Options for Preserving Male Fertility
There are good possibilities for men as well.
The oldest and most successful technique for men is sperm banking. Sperm are gathered and stored for later use.
Testicular tissue freezing is an experimental technique in which stem cell-containing testicular tissue is extracted and preserved for later use. It is currently being researched for guys undergoing cancer therapy that could impact their fertility in the future.
Those with cancer who want to have children after treatment have hope thanks to fertility preservation. The field of oncofertility is still expanding, offering more individualized and efficient treatments that assist guarantee patients can look forward to a happy life after cancer.
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