
How to Treat High Blood Pressure



You may be suffering from severe hypertension, if you have a high blood pressure reading on at least two occasions a year. This is considered to be an emergency situation and should be addressed immediately by your family doctor. These readings, while they are normal, can be alarming. If they are more frequent, this should be investigated as being more than just an occasional occurrence. Early detection can often mean the difference between a normal life and a serious illness that will involve your heart and other major organs.


Hypertension is not a disease that can be diagnosed easily. Your doctor will use a series of tests in order to determine if there is indeed a problem. These include checking your blood pressure repeatedly on a regular basis and testing your lip and neck muscles for tenderness or stiffness. A routine blood pressure exam will not always lead to a diagnosis, but having these tests done regularly will allow your doctor to make an accurate determination.


The first thing your doctor will want to do is take your history. He or she will want to know your current lifestyle as well including whether you smoke and your diet. He or she may also want to do an electrocardiogram (ECG) in order to determine your heart rate. While you may think that these tests are unnecessary, your doctor will explain the significance of each one and why they are important to detect hypertension.


The next step involves doing a careful evaluation of your symptoms. These symptoms could indicate that you have or are having some type of chronic or acute disease such as heart disease. Some of the most common warning signs include dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headaches, stomach issues, and a constant sensation of stress. Of course, you won't be able to prove that a high blood pressure reading is real until your doctor takes a reading. Even then, a normal elevation may still be considered to be elevated if it is higher than the range considered to be normal for your age and gender. In this case, it is imperative that you talk with your doctor immediately.


A blood pressure reading will not only tell your doctor about your hypertension but will also tell him or her about your other medical conditions. If you have diabetes, your numbers may be lower than normal and you should definitely mention this to your doctor. While you can monitor your blood pressure regularly, a special machine called an ambulatory monitor is best used to monitor the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure ranging from your home. An ambulance monitor can provide continuous monitoring of your heart rate and the rate at which you breathe out and in. This is important because the two measurements are often used to determine whether or not you are at risk for future heart attacks or strokes.


Once your doctor has determined that you do, in fact, have hypertension, he or she may prescribe medication for you. Depending on the severity, these prescriptions can range from NSAIDS like aspirin to beta blockers. These drugs, while effective, should only be used on the advice of your doctor. If you take them long enough, they could cause liver damage or other negative side effects. You should also avoid alcohol and tobacco, as these can aggravate your condition. Even if you feel fine, please get some sleep and exercise every day, as a lack of these two essentials can make your condition even worse.