
How to Give a Good Blow Job

Learning how to give a good blow job is not as difficult as you may think. I am here to help you learn to give a really great blow job that will just blow his mind.
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Emily Gray @emilygray · Nov 29, 2009 · edited: Dec 2, 2009

Learning how to give a good blow job is not as difficult as you may think. I am here to help you learn to give a really great blow job that will just blow his mind.


How to give a good blow jobLearning how to give a good blow job is not as difficult as you may think. Sure, it may seem intimidating. You aren’t familiar with his equipment - yours is completely different, after all! You are not sure what he likes or what turns him on. You may even feel a bit shy about touching him there, and wonder if you’re doing it right or if he likes it.

I am here to help you get past all of that stuff and learn to give a really great blow job that will just blow his mind. Are you ready to get started?

First, you need to just relax about it. It’s okay to be a bit nervous or unsure and you are not alone. Tell yourself that you can do this, that it’s not a big deal, and then move on! No need to freak out about it or worry about it. Relax and get ready to have some fun!

The next step in learning how to give a good blow job is to become more familiar with what you’ll be working with. Become familiar with the parts of his anatomy and learn which are more sensitive and what kind of touch or sensations he likes on each one. For example, the head of his penis is the most sensitive part, so focusing more attention there will be a good idea! Just remember that it is sensitive, and be careful that you are not too rough or hard when handling his equipment.

Watch his reaction to gauge how he is enjoying it. You can also ask him for feedback. Ask him to let you know when something feels particularly nice, then you’ll know what to do more of. Your man should have a pretty good idea of what he likes down there, so ask him to tell you what he would like you to try. Communication will be a very good tool for developing your skills in this area.

Use your hands, mouth, tongue and other parts of your body. Get right involved in the process and use everything you’ve got to stimulate him. A good blow job involves more than just moving it in and out of your mouth. Use your hands to tickle his balls, or hold the shaft or base. Slide your naked body up across his to tease him. Use your breasts to stimulate him. Get your creativity involved and you will come up with other ideas too. Feel free to experiment - he’ll love you for it!

Another tip on how to give a good blow job, is to look at him while you’re doing it. Your man finds this incredibly sexy. He likes to watch you giving him pleasure, and he especially likes to see you enjoying it! Let him see your face, and look him in the eye while going down on him.

Use your voice to give a good blow job, as well. You can moan to let him know you are enjoying it, or hum to give him an extra special sensation. Talk dirty to him to really get him going - tell him what you are going to do to him and ask him if he likes it. A blow job doesn’t have to be quiet - some noises and dirty talk can really heat it up for both you and your guy.

Above all, the most important thing when learning how to give a good blow job, is to learn to enjoy it yourself. If it feels like a chore, or something you have to do just because he wants it, then stop right now. You should not be doing anything in the bedroom that feels like a chore! Learn to enjoy giving him a blow job, and you will both be much happier and enjoy it more. Change your mindset toward it. Challenge yourself to learn some new skills, learn to see it as a gift you can give him, and let yourself be part of it, instead of just giving it. Learning how to talk dirty can give you an extra element that might really turn you on. Find what works for you and use it.

Learning how to give a good blow job should be fun for you, as well as for him. Take these tips and start using the ones that particularly interest you. You can then build from there to develop even more skills to drive your man wild in bed. Knowing that you are in control and can give him that kind of pleasure will certainly boost your self confidence and give you the courage the try even more and get even better at it. Now that you’ve learned how to give a good blow job, go to it and become the sex goddess that will blow his mind.

For more tips on how to give a good blow job, check out AmazingBlowJobTips.com.