
How to comprehend space

Space is often identified with an infinite, pure vacuum. Nothing of the kind. In fact, It has its structure and its limit as well.
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Andrzej Lechowski @niebieskieucho · Sep 18, 2011 · edited: Apr 29, 2023

The term "space" (physical reality) is commonly understood as the possibility of movement of objects without hindrance. But what can't be space for some physical objects can turn out as space for others, for example: in order to stop neutrino, we would need 4 light-years thick lead! As one can see, even lead could be a comfortable space for the neutrino to travel in it. From the perspective of man, space, although it is not empty, it seems to be so, because in space you can move in all directions without any obstacles.


In reality, space does not exist - at least in the form as most of people imagine it. Nevertheless, I will still be using this concept, because somehow we have to name the medium along with various forms of radiation save astronomical objects and other forms of matter. The matter should be understood as a complex form of ether. The medium commonly called "space" will be considered from the perspective of the magnitude of the ether, which „sees” its world as one large organism, i.e., "sees" around itself identical neighbours in various forms of a „physical activity”.


Scientists suspect that there must be something in space that is now beyond the feasibility of examining it – its subatomic structure. In spite of this obvious fact (as it seems to me), they comprehend it and describe it in the way I don't agree. I dare to have my own separate stance in this question being aware, that unfortunately, there is no evidence of it which I present below but everything that was said on space (even spacetime!) in scientific sources belongs also to hypotheses that are falsifiable, thus I don't trespass against science.


Space belongs to physical realities. Its features, properties and description are as follows:


1. Space means the volume of the universe that contains all forms of physical objects.


2. Space is primordial.


3. Space didn't and doesn't change its volume (does not expand).


4. Space contains a cosmic medium, or so-called ether allowing spatial conductivity.


5. Space does not couple with a non-existent spontaneously time (the term “spacetime” is a scientific freak).


6. There are only three spatial dimensions in reality and that means there are no hidden dimensions in it.


7. Space (and thereby the universe) is finite.


8. "Beyond" the universal space is nothing or lack of space.


9. Space is indestructible.


10. Space doesn't undergo deflection.


11. Spatial ether (a single component) is of the smallest magnitude of all physical objects, unless existence of torsion fields (transferring information) is taken into consideration, but I don't know how to put it in the hierarchy of physical objects yet.


12. Spatial ether makes it possible to move in space, allows physical entities to interact (sense) mutually.


13. Space therefore along with the beyond-universal nucleus ether creates gravity directed towards the confines of the universe.


14. The ''purest'' space is beyond the universal nucleus (4.6*10^10 light-years), or its materialized part, (devoid of background cosmic radiation).


15. Space contains in itself primordial, homogeneous, elementary building block of all forms of matter, or ether, in other words pre-matter.


16. Between homogeneous globular (without inner structure) components of ether, there is the purest space devoid of physical entities, or nothing (to make myself clear: if they were cubes, these spaces would not exist).


17. Primordial contents of the universal space (some portion of ether) gave birth (by chance) to its materialized part.


18. The radius of the universal space along with its content, according to my speculative calculation - based on scientific data - amounts minimum to 6.2*10^117 light-years.


19. The universal space ends up abruply.


20. Spatial ether may resemble a dense fog (its magnitude is far beyond Planck length then).


21. The motion of ether is resultant (depending on the motion of matter).


22. The magnitude and shape of the so-called magnetic field and ether are identical, both don't have an inner structure.


23. The difference between ether and magnetic field consists in their motion. In the case of the magnetic field (caused by matter) – the bipolar motion of ether. In the case of interstellar space – its resultant motion.


24. Space through its primordial medium (ether) counterbalances materialized part of the universe.


Obviously, nobody has to share my point of view, on the contrary, can produce his own, rational observations, supplement mine, or question them. They belong to hypotheses after all.