
How to Buy Adult Diapers for Different Types of Urinary Incontinence

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@anonymous · Nov 10, 2020

Urinary incontinence is of different types and hence needs different treatments. But, there is one thing that can bring some relief to each type and that is adult diapers. Buy adult diapers in the pant style for the best comfort and leakage absorption. Here are some types of urinary incontinence. Read on.


As you would know, urinary incontinence refers to the accidental release of urine due to the lack of bladder control. This happens for reasons such as overactive bladder muscles, any damage caused to the nerves that protect the bladder from diseases, weak pelvic muscles, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and so on. This could happen at any age but is mostly found in older adults. With age they lose the capacity to control their bladder and end up in leaking urine in their clothes. This often takes a massive toll on how they feel emotionally. They often face embarrassments in front of others and hence prefer staying at home and not going out in the public. This could be very harmful to both their physical and mental health in the long run.


Talking about urinary incontinence in older adults, there is one solution that can very well take care of the leakage concerns which is adult diapers. When you buy adult diapers, you will find that a majority of people suffering from urinary incontinence use adult diapers which has helped them in living a normal life without having to worry about leakage or wetting their garments. People who find it embarrassing to use diapers in old age should look at the brighter side as they can go out and have a great time with their friends and family today just like before. There are different types of urinary incontinence which need to be taken care of differently. But, adult diapers are something which can bring relief for each type.


A few types of urinary incontinence and their cure -


Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence refers to when you leak urine while coughing, sneezing, laughing or jumping. This happens when there is any physical exertion which puts pressure on the bladder causing leakage. This could be a result of the damage to the pelvic floor muscles or the urethral sphincter or both and hence cannot hold up urine. A majority of people suffering from urinary incontinence have stress incontinence. This is the most common type among all. Adult diapers for men and women both can be used in stress incontinence.


Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence is when you feel a sudden urge to empty your bladder which cannot be resisted and often does not give you time to make it to the toilet. In urge incontinence, people do not leak but often end up emptying their bladder completely. Even if you can hold up the urge till you reach the toilet, it can interfere with your normal life which includes work, social meet ups etc. as you need to keep running to the toilet every now and then. It is the result of an overactive bladder. This can take place in both men and women and hence adult diapers for women and men can be used by people suffering from urge incontinence.


Overflow Incontinence

Overflow incontinence happens when you are never able to empty your bladder completely and hence keep leaking all the time. This could be with or without the urge to use the washroom. This is mostly the result of something blocking your urine from releasing easily out of the bladder. Overnight diapers for adults are the best choice for those suffering from overflow incontinence.


Mixed Incontinence

People suffering from mixed incontinence have both the symptoms of overflow and stress incontinence. This is the combination of both types. Women are mostly the one to be affected by mixed incontinence. It could also take place in men who have gone through prostate removal or any surgery that concerns an enlarged prostate.


Cure at home -


The best cure at home for any kind of incontinence is to indulge in exercise for urine leakage. There are kegel exercises, yoga postures and so on which can bring relief to an ailing bladder. But remember to take your doctor’s suggestion before beginning with any exercise routine.