
How Link Building Helps Your Website



Link building involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own.  Think of them as positive votes or recommendations from one website to another.


  • What Are Backlinks?


Backlinks are incoming links that direct users from one webpage to another. They are like digital referrals, indicating that one website trusts and recommends another. 


When another website links to yours, it's essentially vouching for the quality and relevance of your content. 


  • Different Types of Backlinks


  1. Natural Links: These are links that occur organically when other websites find your content valuable and link to it without any prompting. For example, if a well-known industry blog references your comprehensive guide, it's a natural link.


  1. Manual or Outreach-Based Links: In this case, you actively reach out to other websites and request them to link to your content.  


  1. Self-Created Links: These are links you create yourself, typically within your own content. While they have their place, they are not as powerful as natural or manual links. For instance, inserting a link to a related blog post within your article is a self-created link.


  • The Role of Anchor Text in Link Building


Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. 


For example, if you run a blog, a backlink with anchor text "best WordPress development company" tells users and search engines that the linked page is about the Wordpress development company.


  • Benefits of Link Building for Your Website


  • Improved Search Engine Rankings


When reputable websites link to your content, search engines like Google see it as a vote of confidence. The more quality votes your site gets, the higher it's likely to rank in search results.


For instance, consider a scenario where several industry-leading websites link to your in-depth article about renewable energy.  Consequently, your article may start appearing on the first page of search results when users search for relevant keywords like "sustainable energy sources."


  • Increased Organic Traffic


When reputable websites link to your content, they're essentially introducing their audience to your site. This can result in a steady stream of visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.


For example, if a popular health and fitness blog links to your online store selling organic supplements, readers who trust that blog are more likely to click through to your site to explore and make purchases.


  • Enhanced Domain Authority and Credibility


Domain authority is influenced significantly by the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your site. 


For instance, suppose a well-respected news outlet references your research on climate change. 


  • Exposure to New Audiences


When your content is linked from other websites, their readers or visitors may follow the link to explore your site. 


For example, if a popular travel blog links to your travel itinerary planning tool, readers looking for trip planning resources may discover and start using your tool.


  • Strategies for Effective Link Building


  • Creating High-Quality, Shareable Content


High-quality content is the cornerstone of any successful link building strategy. Content that provides value, educates, entertains, or solves problems is more likely to attract backlinks naturally. Examples of such content include:


- Comprehensive guides: In-depth resources that cover a topic comprehensively.

- Original research: Conducting surveys or studies and sharing the results.

- Infographics: Visual representations of data or complex information.

- How-to articles: Step-by-step guides that help users achieve specific tasks.


For instance, if you run a cooking blog, publishing a comprehensive guide on "Mastering the Art of Sourdough Bread Making" can attract links from food enthusiasts, cooking schools, and even culinary websites.


  • Guest Posting and Blogger Outreach


Guest posting is a proactive link building strategy where you write articles for other websites in your niche, with a link back to your site in the author bio or content.  


Here's how it works:


  1. Finding Relevant Websites for Guest Posting: Identify authoritative websites in your niche that accept guest contributions. For instance, if you have a fitness blog, look for health and wellness websites that publish guest posts.


  1. Crafting Compelling Outreach Emails: Reach out to the website owners or editors with a well-crafted pitch. 


For example, if you're a tech gadget reviewer, you could pitch a guest post about "The Future of Wearable Technology" to a popular tech news site.


  • Broken Link Building


Broken link building is a strategy that involves finding broken or dead links on other websites and offering your content as a replacement. Here's how you can execute it effectively:


  1. Identifying Broken Links on Other Websites: Use tools like Check My Links or Broken Link Checker to scan websites in your niche for broken links. Once you find them, make note of the pages containing those broken links.


  1. Offering Your Content as a Replacement: Reach out to the website owner or content manager and politely inform them about the broken link on their page. Then, suggest your content as a suitable replacement. 


For instance, if you come across a blog post about "The Best Productivity Apps for Remote Workers" that has a broken link to an outdated app, you can contact the blogger and propose replacing it with a link to your updated and comprehensive list of productivity apps.


  • Building Internal Links


Internal linking is very critical in maintaining good site health, navigating the user from one page to another and helps in better indexing. 


It involves linking to other pages within your own site from your content. Here's why it matters:


  1. Enhancing User Experience and SEO: Internal links help users navigate your site, discover related content, and spend more time exploring your website. 


For example, if you have a blog post about "Healthy Meal Planning," you can include internal links to relevant articles such as "Nutrition Tips for Beginners" or "Quick and Easy Healthy Recipes." This not only keeps users engaged but also helps search engines recognize the relevance of these interconnected articles.


  • Avoiding Black Hat Practices


While building links is crucial, it's essential to steer clear of black hat practices that can harm your website's reputation and rankings. Some practices to avoid include:


  1. Buying Links: Purchasing links from low-quality or spammy websites can lead to penalties from search engines. Genuine backlinks should be earned, not bought.


  1. Link Schemes: Participating in link schemes, where websites artificially exchange links or engage in manipulative practices, can result in penalties. Focus on natural and ethical link building methods.


For example, suppose you receive an email offering 100 backlinks for a small fee. It's best to steer clear of such offers as they are likely to be from sources engaging in black hat practices.


  1. Measuring the Impact of Link Building


  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


To gauge the effectiveness of your link building efforts, you'll want to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) regularly. Here are some essential KPIs to track:


  1. Tracking Rankings: Monitor the rankings of your target keywords in search engine results. Tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or Moz can help you track keyword positions over time.


For example, if you're targeting the keyword "digital marketing tips," you can track its ranking and see if it improves as you build more relevant backlinks to your related content.


  1. Monitoring Referral Traffic: Keep an eye on the traffic coming to your site from referral sources, especially those from backlinks you've acquired. 


For instance, you can see that a significant portion of your website's traffic comes from a guest post you wrote for a popular industry blog, indicating the effectiveness of your link building efforts.


  1. Analyzing Domain Authority Changes: Periodically check the domain authority of your website using tools like Moz's Domain Authority metric. An increase in domain authority often correlates with improved link building efforts.


If you notice a steady rise in your domain authority score over time, it's a positive sign that your link building strategy is paying off.


  • Tools for Link Analysis


Here are three popular tools you can use for link analysis:


  1. Google Search Console: This free tool from Google provides valuable insights into your website's performance in search results. You can see which websites are linking to yours and track your site's impressions and clicks for various queries.


  1. Ahrefs: Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a backlink analysis feature. You can use it to explore your backlink profile, check the domain authority of referring websites, and monitor the growth of your backlinks.


For example, you can use Ahrefs to identify which of your blog posts have attracted the most backlinks and then create similar content to capitalize on that success.


  1. Moz Link Explorer: Moz's Link Explorer provides in-depth backlink analysis, including data on domain authority and anchor text distribution. It's useful for tracking the quality and diversity of your backlinks.


You can use Moz Link Explorer to compare your link profile to that of your competitors. If you notice gaps, you can focus on acquiring backlinks from those sources to gain a competitive edge.


  1. Conclusion


Remember that link building is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. 


If you find that certain types of content are attracting more backlinks, consider creating more content in that format. 


If you notice a decline in referral traffic from a particular source, investigate and adjust your outreach efforts accordingly.


If you are looking to gain higher visibility in search results, hire a reliable link building company.


With their professional expertise, you will be able to bring more visitors to your website.