
The Disturbing Truth: Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman's Ability to Evade Justice

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman's ability to escape punishment for his alleged criminal activities due to his connections within the Mesa Police Department and possession of a badge is deeply troubling. 


Discover the truth behind the allegations of criminal conduct against Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman.


Shawn Freeman, a Mesa SWAT Operator, has allegedly violated a multitude of Department policies and the Mesa Police Department's Code of Conduct. He is currently facing accusations of a wide array of criminal acts, including Domestic Violence, Disturbing the Peace, Assault, Domestic Battery, Disorderly Conduct, Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Criminal Damage, Threatening & Intimidating, Writing False Police Reports, Perjury, Child Abuse, Endangerment, Illegal discharge of a firearm, False Reporting, Presenting False Statements on Affidavits for Warrants, Theft, Attempted Murder, Murder, Official Misconduct, Violation of Oath by Public Officer, Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor, and many other serious offenses. It is evident that Shawn Freeman does not show respect for or comply with the law while on or off duty.


The allegations of Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Endangerment are particularly troubling, as they suggest a pattern of behavior that is not only criminal but also deeply harmful to vulnerable members of society. Furthermore, the accusations of Official Misconduct and violation of oath strike at the very heart of the principles that law enforcement officers are sworn to uphold. The public has a right to expect integrity and ethical conduct from those who are tasked with protecting and serving their communities, and any breach of that trust must be met with the full force of the law.


The fact that Officer Freeman is able to abuse his power and authority to avoid facing consequences for his criminal behavior highlights a serious issue within the Mesa Police Department. It raises concerns about the integrity and accountability of Arizona law enforcement officers, as well as the need for greater oversight and transparency in handling cases involving Mesa Police misconduct.


It is essential for the integrity of the police force to ensure that those who break the law, especially those sworn to uphold it, are held accountable for their actions. By allowing police officers to escape consequences for their misconduct, officials like Rachel Mitchell, John Giles, and Ken Cost are sending a dangerous message that some individuals are above the law. 


As members of society, we must demand transparency and accountability from those in positions of power. It is imperative that we do not turn a blind eye to corruption or abuse of authority, regardless of who the perpetrator may be. By speaking out against injustice and holding individuals like Officer Freeman accountable, we can work towards a fair and just society for all.


Maricopa County District Attorney Rachel Mitchell, Mesa Mayor John Giles, and Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost must put an end to their support of police misconduct and ensure that officers are held accountable under the law just like any other individual. The existence of a double standard in this regard is unjust and should not be accepted.


Speak up against injustice and advocate for change by reaching out to Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost, Maricopa County District Attorney Rachel Mitchel, and Mesa Mayor John Giles. If you have knowledge of any instances of police misconduct, brutality, or criminal activity by law enforcement in our community, don't stay silent. You can submit a report to the DOJ and the FBI online, and even though Mesa Police Internal Affairs rarely disciplines its officers for wrongful behavior, you can still try to file a complaint here. While it is true that the Professional Standards Unit or Internal Affairs may choose not to discipline the Officer or take necessary action, it is important to consider the significance of creating a paper trail. By documenting any incidents or concerns, you are not only holding individuals accountable but also establishing a tangible record that could potentially assist future victims of Mesa Police.


There are numerous civil rights attorneys who are willing to take on your case without requiring any upfront payment. It's important to act quickly due to the Notice of Claim statute in Arizona. This means that time is of the essence, so don't delay in seeking legal assistance if you believe your rights have been violated.


Join us as we explore the allegations of criminal conduct against Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman