[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs libclan
[-] libclang-17_5 LLVM meta package - transitional meta package
[-] libclang-cpp-17_5 LLVM meta package - transitional meta package
[-] libclang-cpp17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C frontend library (C++ interf...
[-] libclang-cpp18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C frontend library (C++ interf...
[-] libclang-cpp19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C frontend library (C++ interf...
[-] libclang17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C frontend library
[-] libclang18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C frontend library
[-] libclang19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C frontend library
[ak@mirk ~]$
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs clang
[-] Bear-3.1.5_1 Tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling
[-] DirectXShaderCompiler-1.7.2207_1 DirectX Shader Compiler based on LLVM/Clang.
[-] DirectXShaderCompiler-devel-1.7.2207_1 DirectX Shader Compiler based on LLVM/Clang. DirectX Shader Compile...
[-] clang-17_5 LLVM meta package - clang
[-] clang-analyzer-17_5 LLVM meta package - clang-analyzer
[-] clang-analyzer17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - A source code a...
[-] clang-analyzer18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - A source code a...
[-] clang-analyzer19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - A source code a...
[-] clang-tools-extra-17_5 LLVM meta package - clang-tools-extra
[-] clang-tools-extra17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - Extra Clang tools
[-] clang-tools-extra18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - Extra Clang tools
[-] clang-tools-extra19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - Extra Clang tools
[-] clang17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C language fami...
[-] clang17-devel-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C language fami...
[-] clang17-headers-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C language fami...
[-] clang18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C language fami...
[-] clang18-devel-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C language fami...
[-] clang18-headers-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C language fami...
[-] clang19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C language fami...
[-] clang19-devel-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C language fami...
[-] clang19-headers-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C language fami...
[-] clazy-1.12_1 Qt oriented code checker based on clang framework
[-] libclang-17_5 LLVM meta package - transitional meta package
[-] libclang-cpp-17_5 LLVM meta package - transitional meta package
[-] libclang-cpp17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C frontend libr...
[-] libclang-cpp18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C frontend libr...
[-] libclang-cpp19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C frontend libr...
[-] libclang17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - C frontend library
[-] libclang18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - C frontend library
[-] libclang19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - C frontend library
[-] libomp17-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - Clang OpenMP su...
[-] libomp17-devel-17.0.6_4 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - Clang OpenMP su...
[-] libomp18-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - Clang OpenMP su...
[-] libomp18-devel-18.1.8_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - Clang OpenMP su...
[-] libomp19-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - Clang OpenMP su...
[-] libomp19-devel-19.1.4_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 19 - Clang OpenMP su...
[-] qrintf-0.9.2_3 A sprintf accelerator for GCC and Clang
[-] rtags-2.38_8 C/C++ indexer with integration for Emacs based on clang
[ak@mirk ~]$
sudo xbps-install clang-17_5
sudo xbps-install clang-17_5 libclang17-17.0.6_4
sudo xbps-install clang-tools-extra17-17.0.6_4 libclang-cpp17-17.0.6_4
libsqlcipher-dev (SQLCipher development library)
libsqlite3-dev (SQLite development library)
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs libsqlite
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs sqlite3
[-] python3-minidb-2.0.8_1 Simple SQLite3 store for Python objects
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs sqlite
[-] apr-util-sqlite-1.6.3_4 Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - SQLite module
[-] dovecot-plugin-sqlite- IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind - SQLite...
[-] dqlite-1.15.1_1 Distributed SQLite database using the Raft algorithm
[-] dqlite-devel-1.15.1_1 Distributed SQLite database using the Raft algorithm - development files
[-] ksql-0.3.5_2 Yet another SQLite wrapper
[-] libdbdsqlite-0.9.0_2 SQLite driver for libdbi
[-] libdbi-drivers-0.9.0_2 Database drivers for libdbi (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite)
[-] libdbi-drivers-devel-0.9.0_2 Database drivers for libdbi (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite) - develop...
[-] libspatialite-5.0.1_2 SQLite extension for Spatial SQL capabilities
[-] libspatialite-devel-5.0.1_2 SQLite extension for Spatial SQL capabilities - development files
[-] litecli-1.9.0_3 CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
[-] perl-DBD-SQLite-1.66_5 DBD::SQLite - Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI driver
[-] php-sqlite-8.3_2 PHP sqlite module meta package
[-] php8.1-sqlite-8.1.31_1 HTML-embedded scripting language - sqlite module
[-] php8.2-sqlite-8.2.26_1 HTML-embedded scripting language - sqlite module
[-] php8.3-sqlite-8.3.14_1 HTML-embedded scripting language - sqlite module
[-] profile-cleaner-2.45_1 Reduces profile size by cleaning their sqlite databases
[-] python3-apsw- Another Python SQLite Wrapper (Python3)
[-] python3-minidb-2.0.8_1 Simple SQLite3 store for Python objects
[-] qt5-plugin-sqlite-5.15.11+20231124_5 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT5) - SQLite plugin
[-] qt6-plugin-sqlite-6.8.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - SQLite plugin
[-] redland-storage-sqlite-1.0.17_6 Redland Resource Description Framework (RDF) - SQLite storage backend
[-] sqlcipher-4.6.1_1 SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption
[-] sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1 SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption - d...
[*] sqlite-3.45.3_2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library
[-] sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library - development files
[-] sqlite-lemon-3.45.3_2 LALR(1) Parser Generator from sqlite
[-] sqlite-pcre-0.1_1 Perl-compatible regular expression support for the SQLite
[-] sqlite-tcl-3.45.3_2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library - tcl bindings
[-] sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library - tools
[-] sqlitebrowser-3.13.1_1 Light GUI editor for SQLite databases
[ak@mirk ~]$ sudo xbps-install sqlite-devel
Name Action Version New version Download size
sqlite-devel install - 3.45.3_2 933KB
Size to download: 934KB
Size required on disk: 2555KB
Space available on disk: 39GB
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
[*] Downloading packages
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 6757KB/s]
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2.x86_64.xbps: 933KB [avg rate: 4963KB/s]
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2: verifying RSA signature...
[*] Collecting package files
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2: collecting files...
[*] Unpacking packages
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2: unpacking ...
[*] Configuring unpacked packages
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2: configuring ...
sqlite-devel-3.45.3_2: installed successfully.
1 downloaded, 1 installed, 0 updated, 1 configured, 0 removed.
[ak@mirk ~]$ sudo xbps-install sqlite-tools
Name Action Version New version Download size
tcl install - 8.6.14_1 1622KB
sqlite-tools install - 3.45.3_2 1387KB
Size to download: 3011KB
Size required on disk: 15MB
Space available on disk: 39GB
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
[*] Downloading packages
tcl-8.6.14_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 4425KB/s]
tcl-8.6.14_1.x86_64.xbps: 1622KB [avg rate: 7416KB/s]
tcl-8.6.14_1: verifying RSA signature...
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 19MB/s]
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2.x86_64.xbps: 1387KB [avg rate: 7093MB/s]
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2: verifying RSA signature...
[*] Collecting package files
tcl-8.6.14_1: collecting files...
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2: collecting files...
[*] Unpacking packages
tcl-8.6.14_1: unpacking ...
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2: unpacking ...
[*] Configuring unpacked packages
tcl-8.6.14_1: configuring ...
tcl-8.6.14_1: installed successfully.
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2: configuring ...
sqlite-tools-3.45.3_2: installed successfully.
2 downloaded, 2 installed, 0 updated, 2 configured, 0 removed.
[ak@mirk ~]$ sudo xbps-install sqlcipher-devel
Name Action Version New version Download size
sqlcipher install - 4.6.1_1 1089KB
sqlcipher-devel install - 4.6.1_1 753KB
Size to download: 1843KB
Size required on disk: 4848KB
Space available on disk: 39GB
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
[*] Downloading packages
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 8621KB/s]
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1.x86_64.xbps: 1089KB [avg rate: 1150KB/s]
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1: verifying RSA signature...
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s]
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1.x86_64.xbps: 753KB [avg rate: 4455MB/s]
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1: verifying RSA signature...
[*] Collecting package files
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1: collecting files...
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1: collecting files...
[*] Unpacking packages
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1: unpacking ...
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1: unpacking ...
[*] Configuring unpacked packages
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1: configuring ...
sqlcipher-4.6.1_1: installed successfully.
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1: configuring ...
sqlcipher-devel-4.6.1_1: installed successfully.
2 downloaded, 2 insta
sudo xbps-install sqlite-devel
sudo xbps-install sqlite-tools
sudo xbps-install sqlcipher-devel
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs libssl
[-] libssl1.1-1.1.1w_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (version 1.1) - SSL/TLS l...
[*] libssl3-3.3.3_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - SSL/TLS library
[ak@mirk ~]$ sudo xbps-install libssl3-3.3.3_1
Package `libssl3-3.3.3_1' already installed.
sudo xbps-install libssl3
sudo xbps-install openssl-devel
liblzma-dev (XZ compression library
xbps-query -Rs liblzma
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs liblzma
[*] liblzma-5.6.2_1 XZ-format compression library
[-] liblzma-devel-5.6.2_1 XZ-format compression library - development files
[ak@mirk ~]$ sudo xbps-install
libfontconfig1-dev (Fontconfig development library
libfontconfig1-dev (Fontconfig development library
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs fontconfig
[*] fontconfig-2.16.0_2 Library for configuring and customizing font access
[-] fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2 Library for configuring and customizing font access - development files
[-] fontconfig-doc-2.16.0_2 Library for configuring and customizing font access - documentation
[ak@mirk ~]$ xbps-query -Rs libfontconfig
[ak@mirk ~]$ sudo xbps-install fontconfig-devel fontconfig
Package `fontconfig' already installed.
Name Action Version New version Download size
expat-devel install - 2.6.4_1 98KB
brotli-devel install - 1.1.0_1 13KB
bzip2-devel install - 1.0.8_2 35KB
zlib-devel install - 1.3.1_1 87KB
libpng-devel install - 1.6.47_1 223KB
freetype-devel install - 2.13.2_1 578KB
libuuid-devel install - 2.40.2_1 23KB
fontconfig-devel install - 2.16.0_2 206KB
Size to download: 1267KB
Size required on disk: 4179KB
Space available on disk: 39GB
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
[*] Downloading packages
expat-devel-2.6.4_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 11MB/s]
expat-devel-2.6.4_1.x86_64.xbps: 98KB [avg rate: 1221KB/s]
expat-devel-2.6.4_1: verifying RSA signature...
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 23MB/s]
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1.x86_64.xbps: 13KB [avg rate: 96MB/s]
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1: verifying RSA signature...
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 16MB/s]
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2.x86_64.xbps: 35KB [avg rate: -- stalled --]
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2: verifying RSA signature...
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s]
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1.x86_64.xbps: 87KB [avg rate: 1175MB/s]
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1: verifying RSA signature...
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 7937KB/s]
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1.x86_64.xbps: 223KB [avg rate: 4544MB/s]
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1: verifying RSA signature...
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 10MB/s]
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1.x86_64.xbps: 578KB [avg rate: 7948MB/s]
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1: verifying RSA signature...
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 7463KB/s]
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1.x86_64.xbps: 23KB [avg rate: 164MB/s]
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1: verifying RSA signature...
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 16MB/s]
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2.x86_64.xbps: 206KB [avg rate: 4183MB/s]
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2: verifying RSA signature...
[*] Collecting package files
expat-devel-2.6.4_1: collecting files...
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1: collecting files...
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2: collecting files...
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1: collecting files...
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1: collecting files...
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1: collecting files...
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1: collecting files...
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2: collecting files...
[*] Unpacking packages
expat-devel-2.6.4_1: unpacking ...
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1: unpacking ...
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2: unpacking ...
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1: unpacking ...
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1: unpacking ...
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1: unpacking ...
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1: unpacking ...
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2: unpacking ...
[*] Configuring unpacked packages
expat-devel-2.6.4_1: configuring ...
expat-devel-2.6.4_1: installed successfully.
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1: configuring ...
brotli-devel-1.1.0_1: installed successfully.
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2: configuring ...
bzip2-devel-1.0.8_2: installed successfully.
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1: configuring ...
zlib-devel-1.3.1_1: installed successfully.
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1: configuring ...
libpng-devel-1.6.47_1: installed successfully.
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1: configuring ...
freetype-devel-2.13.2_1: installed successfully.
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1: configuring ...
libuuid-devel-2.40.2_1: installed successfully.
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2: configuring ...
fontconfig-devel-2.16.0_2: installed successfully.
8 downloaded, 8 installed, 0 updated, 8 configured, 0 removed.
[ak@mirk ~]$
libasound2-dev (ALSA development library)